Well, 2845 Broadway has quietly replaced 300 Sea Cliff Ave as the most expensive house for sale in San Francisco (and it’s not because 300 Sea Cliff has sold).
Boasting a “Once in a generation opportunity to acquire an extraordinary Gold Coast masterpiece in the making, the house also boasts a price tag of $65,000,000. Then again, at over 20,000 square feet of living space, that’s only $3,154/sqft.
[UPDATE: Apparently the original two structures at 2845 Broadway sold for $32 million in November 2002, cost of construction to date is estimated to be $18 million, and the “Buzz among brokers” is that it will cost another $8-16 million to finish the property. Just to clarify, for $65M you won’t be getting any “interior walls, ceilings and finishes”.]
∙ Listing: 2845 Broadway – $65,000,000 [MLS] [Listing Agent]
∙ Checking In On 300 Sea Cliff Ave [SocketSite]
∙ S.F. home hits block for record $65M [bizjournals]

Yeah, that’s a crazy house all right. Pricewise, anyway. Architecturally, it’s not that interesting. Too bad the ultra-wealthy are so conservative in their architectural tastes.
Wow. 25 months on the market. I guess the seller does not need the money.
The Sperlings own an insane amount of properties. I know he has another vacant $19 million home on Washington St. It’s been sitting empty for years. He also paid about 14 million for a property on Hyde.
I read a long time ago he bought a quarry in France to provide the stones for the house?
is it still a quiet worksite or are they continuing construction?
Do we dare bring up the “architecture” of this residence? I still don’t understand the perpetual Los Angeles bashing by many when THIS project shows how much San Francisco has changed. This reminds me of the worst excess of Southern California design in the 80’s.
This should be added to the list of NorCal landmarks that includes such “gems” as the Darioush Winery.
If you want a good laugh, check out this video:
Was Peter Sperling building this to be his home, or was this purely speculative? A 6,000 sq. ft. guest house? I would rather take the Devon Way home in Berkeley and pocket the other 50 million.
But it’s ugly….
The agents do not come off well in this interview. On the market for a little over a year? Come on guys, let’s try 1253 days!
Sperling bought many homes in the city, and over paid for all of them.
Well, the gorgeous stone is getting older. Marketers should soon praise the “vintage” value: Parisian flair in SF.
BTW. Not a foreclosure anytime soon:
This will sell, someday, after the next bubble has been inflated, and a new crop of billionaires minted by whatever it is. One of the will want a trophy and they might buy this … (or, they might not).
I predict 4,813 days to sell at market price, unless the owner needs some money before that.
The emperor has no clothes!
After 1400 days on the market, the MLS listing for 2845 Broadway has been withdrawn: 2845 Broadway Is Withdrawn In 2010 After 1400 DOM At $65 Million.