According to the Transbay Joint Powers Authority, the official opening date of the Transbay Temporary Terminal will be August 7, 2010, on which date the existing Transbay Terminal will close. ETA for the for the new Transbay Transit Center at First and Mission: 2017.
∙ Temporary Transbay Terminal Watch (And Pool?) [SocketSite]
∙ Scoop: Transbay Interactive Map (And New Transit Center Website) [SocketSite]
∙ Transbay Temporary Terminal []

Where will all the homeless people go?
Wow, that is really going to suck to have to use the terminal while they are demoing and removing the overhead ramp. Everyone will be covered with a thick layer of dirt by the time they get to their destination….not to mention the noise.
Pretty exciting to see this world class transit terminal beginning to happen. It’s great for San Francisco and great for the whole bay area.
It’ll only be great if the City prevents homeless people from taking over the new terminal. The current terminal is absolutely disgusting, and tolerance of a homeless presence could easily doom the new one.
@sacdomc: So let me get this right. The homeless people have so much power that you believe they will take over a new $1bil world class transit terminal. We all pretty much have agreed that for years the old terminal was a disgrace in many ways.
I certainly wish we could solve the homeless problem and help those less fortunate than us. But, seriously, I don’t believe they will “doom” the new one.
This will be a great project, adding much quality and vitality to downtown SF.
We all pretty much have agreed that for years the old terminal was a disgrace in many ways.
The upkeep was a disgrace. The building itself was fine.
I am sure people in the Millenium who overlook the terminal will be pleased to see a change.
@bobn:..the building was “fine”? seriously?
Putting aside the terrible maintenance and the overwhelming sad concentration of homeless people, the building is a seriously outdated piece of architecture that does not serve the public well for ease of transit use.
It is dark, dingy, poor circulation, poor signage, disgusting restrooms…and on and on. If this was fine to you, I’d love to see what you think is disgusting.
I live 2 blocks from this new terminal and will be curious to see what happens with all the homeless who have made camp on Main, between Howard and Mission. There is a large emcampment there, I’m guessing, because of the vacant lot that was once a parking lot?
The tolerance of homeless has gone too far in San Francisco.
It is society’s duty to offer assistance and take steps to ensure homeless do not hit rock bottom.
It is a disgrace, however, for society to operate in San Francisco’s seemingly operating mantra: “it’s their choice to live that way and we’ll do absolutely nothing to alter it nor protect average residents from having to step over human sh!t, p!ss, used condoms, drugs, and rotting trash as they walk the city.”
SF is due for a massive cleanup.
It is dark, dingy, poor circulation, poor signage, disgusting restrooms…and on and on. If this was fine to you, I’d love to see what you think is disgusting.
Uh… everything that you list, except “poor circulation” is about upkeep. The building served decades of commuters, when there were a LOT MORE of them, too.
I’m not that invested in the building, I just don’t like it when people blame architecture and design for crappy government performance over decades of neglect (and “neglect” applies to the physical structure and to decent public transit options).
Folks, this is a bunch of too-high open shelters in a parking lot. At best the new transit center will happen in a few decades or so, and won’t come near this:
@bobn: I think you misread some things..or mis spoke.
you’re the one that said the building was “fine”..
Glad to see that cesspool of a terminal is finally being shut down. Can’t happen soon enough.
“Where will all the homeless people go?”
There’s the new Temporary Ten Year terminal or the Infinity courtyard to house them. Saw a large overturned trash can with garbage all over the street this past Saturday morning right at Spear and Folsom, so clearly they are already marking their territory.
What we really need is Gavin to grow a pair and take a Giuliani type stance on the homeless. Clearly this will never happen as it is a physical impossibility for eunuchs.
Improve SF wrote:
No kidding. The “tolerance of the homeless” has been decreasing, on the part of the electorate at least, since Frank Jordan was mayor.
Anyway, since “care not cash” seems to not be enough for you folks, I’m looking forward to the petition you’ll be distributing to qualify an initiative to reverse the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act so that chronic inebriates, drug addicts and the like can be committed against their will and forced off the streets and places like the terminal. Good luck with that.
Actually, Brahma, the “sit/lie” ordinance is going on the November ballot and I’m confident it will pass. I’m hoping it’ll do something towards cleaning up San Francisco’s streets.
I’m excited to see the Temporary Terminal begin operations. The one thing I hope the Transbay JPA will do (that I’ve already requested a couple of times) is to offer a hotline phone number for Rincon Hill residents and whomever else cares about air quality to report buses sitting parked with their engines idling beyond the 3 minute limit.
I too have noticed a big increase in the number of homeless folks sleeping on Main Street between Mission and Howard. There used to be just a handful that set up every evening and packed up every morning without leaving a mess …. seems like we may have one or two folks leaving a mess these days, unfortunately. On the bright side, they are relatively harmless and not belligerent assholes like you might come across in other parts of downtown. I think it will be key for the our neighborhood to not allow any liquor stores to carry bottle sizes below 16 ounces, no malt liquor, and unable to sell single cans of beer (4-packs and up only) in order to keep the peace with those folks that choose or sidewalks as their places to sleep.
As an aside, my favored District 6 supervisor candidate Jim Meko said something that really hit home to the Economic Round Table that meets in Embarcadero Center 1 this morning. He said that he’s very proud of District 6’s tolerance to accept the various SROs, methodone clinics, and other more challenging problems for the entire City … District 6 really carries the load in San Francisco with little kicking and screaming, and that’s something other parts of the City might consider before trashing our neighborhoods with their disdane for the poor and troubled.
Fishchum, I agree that the “sit/lie” measure on the ballot will pass, but the target of that proposal, the migrant bands of street youth that threaten, intimidate and impede residents and tourists (usually, it seems, so they can collect money to buy marijuana), are largely in the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood and aren’t the same population that’ll be forced to migrate elsewhere upon the existing Transbay Terminal closure.
It will also be interesting to see if San Franciscans vote to both approve “sit/lie” and Prop. 19. Approval of the latter kinda cancels approval of the former out, no? I don’t have any predictions on that one.
“It will also be interesting to see if San Franciscans vote to both approve “sit/lie” and Prop. 19. Approval of the latter kinda cancels approval of the former out, no?”
Umm, no it doesn’t. Legalizing marijuana is not going to suddenly cause a bunch of people to quit their jobs and start hanging out on the streets seeking to get money to buy marijuana. Seriously that has to be one of the most ignorant ideas I have seen expressed here.