As we outlined earlier this week, price reductions are on the rise in San Francisco. Or in euphemistic industry speak and marketing, “fresh prices” abound.

Speaking of which, the “FRESH PRICE!” for the 3,295-square-foot Corona Heights home at 520 Roosevelt Way, which offers sweeping views, luxurious finishes and an enviable main bedroom suite, with a modern in-law unit, a gym/office (with a full bath), and a two-car garage below, along with a terraced rear yard and lounge, is now $2.985 million, down from $3.185 million as freshly priced three weeks ago.

As such, a fresh “at asking!” sale would now represent a net 6.6 percent drop in value for the Corona Heights view home on an apples-to-apples basis over the past three years, having sold for $3.195 million in December of 2021.  If you think you know the market…

4 thoughts on “Fresh Prices Abound in San Francisco”
  1. “price reductions are on the rise”

    A fine example of unintendely ironic wording!

    As for the property: yet another bedroom fireplace ?!?! I wonder if coded messages are being sent out 🙂

  2. nice area if you never use the freeways – plus all nearby shopping areas are inundated with homeless junkies and gangs

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