While the vacancy rate for office space in the East Bay Oakland market was relatively unchanged in the first quarter of 2014, demand for office space in the East Bay has spiked over the past three months.
The active demand for office space around Oakland now measures nearly one million square feet, double the demand at the end of 2013, according to Cassidy Turley.
A big driver of the spike: companies relocating from San Francisco where the average asking rent is around $4.25 per square foot versus $2.30 a foot in the Oakland market.
Is there data that backs this claim up or do you get this via word of mouth? The first link is broken but if you poke around on that site (ctdt.com) you can find reports like this one http://ctbt.com/Web/Download-Research-File.aspx?id=D032A33B-5F4F-4859-897F-5662C7E5E804 is that the report you are referring to?