The average rate for a conforming 30-year mortgage ticked up to 4.47 percent over the past week to within 11 basis points of the 4.58 percent two-year high recorded this past August. The 30-year rate is now 1.16 percentage points higher than the all-time low of 3.31 percent in November 2012.
The 10-Year Treasury rate with which the 30-Year mortgage rate typically moves ticked up another 4 basis points today following yesterday’s announcement from the Fed. Having averaged 6.71 percent since 1990 and 8.61 percent over the past 40 years, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate was 3.37 percent at this time last year.
In terms of the 30-year rate for Jumbo loans over $625,500, Wells Fargo is currently advertising a rate of 4.50 percent, a discount of 0.25 percentage points as compared to the 4.75 percent rate they’re advertising for both regular conforming and super conforming loans over $417,000 in high cost areas like San Francisco.