As we noted yesterday, Wilson Meany Sullivan’s renovation plans for the 26-story Pacific Telephone Building at 140 New Montgomery no longer include condos and the building will remain an office building targeting “tech start-ups, venture-capital firms and others.”
So here’s the inside and rendering (click to enlarge) scoop. Ceiling heights will range from 13 to 20 feet on the upper floors, windows will be replaced and be operable (think fresh air and cooling breezes), and the targeted others include law and design firms.
The ground floor of the building will house two restaurant spaces while the building’s south facing service yard will become a private outdoor sculpture garden.
Tenants will have access to secure bike parking, locker room, shower suite and a “bike spa” that “repurposes 140’s historic wood-paneled executive board room as a place to tune up your bike before heading out for a lunchtime ride or the commute home.”
And yes, there are a few parking spaces below the building for the big hitters and a secured entrance near the adjacent parking garage for everyone else.
∙ 140 New Montgomery: The More Things Change… [SocketSite]

Operable windows – Nice ! Take that floor-to-ceiling windowed modern buildings.
I wonder about that bike spa. It seems like a nice amenity though the only bike repair I’ve ever needed to do at work is to fix a flat, easily done in my office with gear that fits in my carry-everywhere bag. Hopefully that wood paneled boardroom won’t get trashed. There are grease stains on the doors leading to where I do my serious repair work at home. Not sure who did that – must be gremlins sneaking in at night 🙂
Nice job on those illustrations.
I hope the silly red twizzler sculpture is a just a placeholder. It’s already bored the masses down along the Embarcadero and these poor office workers will have to see it every day.
Bill Wilson has one of the most spectacular private modern art collections around. I highly doubt anything here will be of the “blah” variety.
Does anyone know when construction is projected to start/end?
If you walk by the building it looks like construction has already started – the ground floor windows and turnstyle are covered over and there are trucks hauling away lots of debris. A project like this usually takes a year and a half.
I’d love a bike spa. Not everyone can set up a full service bike shop in his basement or garage. I true my wheels only once every 6 months, sometimes longer, and I didn’t invest in the full gear because of the valuable space it would take.
If I had the proper gear at my job, I’d do it there. Same thing with deep cleaning. Plus it’s a great way to meet fellow cyclists outside of the battlefield.
Oh I don’t doubt that the bike spa would be a nice amenity. Just odd that it is connected to a commercial building rather than something like the Bike Kitchen that is open to all. There’s some concern that restricting membership just to bikers in one building might not see enough usage that the building owner keeps funding it.
It would be great to have access to some of the more specialized tools. I’m so accustomed to truing my wheels “in the wild” by just eyeballing the alignment. A real truing stand and dishing tool would be sweet.
High marks for the dog and the Illy FrancisFrancis! Red X1 iperEspresso Machine.
^ And the razor scooters against the wall add just the right amount of techie hipster doucheness to the picture. Good balance (fixies would have been too much).
^^^ the fixies are in the bike spa having their chains repainted.
“fixie” is what a 40-y-old would say. I call them unmotorized organ donor transportation. Others call them Track bikes.
I’ve been hit twice by idiots who value form before function. Both times they had the looks but not the (rare) skills. If you can’t stop you don’t speed.
Now please move over so that I can go over this 25% hill. Go Wiggle your way home, one-speed retard.