The California College of Arts has acquired the 2.5-acre former Greyhound maintenance yard on the Western edge of Mission Bay for $8.4 million according to the San Francisco Business Times.
While there are a number of ideas for temporary uses for the lot that’s adjacent to the CCA’s San Francisco campus, “development for long-term use is several years away” according to CCA President Stephen Beal.
∙ California College of Arts buys 2.5 acres in Mission Bay []

very cool, hopefully some other stuff moves into this area. Right now, it’s all just idle space.
I am currently a CCA student, typing this as I look out at the lot in question. The SF campus needs some real open space, and this would create that opportunity. I’m picturing a quad between the current building and the new ones, open partly to Hooper street, with new dorms and a student center on the 7th street side. Finish that up with new workshops and a larger auditorium, and throw in some underground parking while they are at it. All things that the SF campus will need going forward. To be honest, I know how much that would cost and so we can all look forward to one large parking lot for the next 5 to 6 years.
An art school other than The Academy of Art University bought land in San Francisco?!?! Is that even legal?!?!
I always thought their adjacent building looked cool nestled among a bunch of run down squat warehouse type buildings.,+ca&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1100+8th+St,+San+Francisco,+California+94107&gl=us&ll=37.767187,-122.400291&spn=0.014537,0.033023&t=h&z=16&layer=c&cbll=37.767103,-122.400174&panoid=zis13nyE2k6GXZ4x_aCcEA&cbp=12,43.15,,0,-1.14