Behind the green fence at 827 North Point sits a one-car garage on an undeveloped RH-3 zoned lower Russian Hill lot, adjacent to which is a pair of vacant two-bedroom flats. And as a plugged-in tipster notes, all of which are being sold as part of the same estate.
Do we expect overbids you might ask? We wouldn’t be surprised.
∙ Listing: 827 North Point (lot) – $788,000 [MLS]
∙ Listing: 829-831 North Point (2/1+2/1) 3,030 sqft – $1,234,250 [MLS]

I’m really bummed they didn’t go all the way to $1,234,567.
Can’t wait for this one to close!
I can’t wait for the realtors to tell us that the lot went for infinity per square foot!
It really doesn’t matter what happens here because when the lot gets built and the units are remodeled they won’t be apples so they are useless data. Now when those places resell that’s when there can be a discussion. This development will be like watching the paint of the leaves of the apple tree to dry.
It’s the same estate, sure, but that’s not helping anybody out. There are multiple heirs, two beneficiaries, two lawyers, and two separate probates with court confirmation. There are two accepted offers, one for each property already as well.
The sale of the lot behind the green gate at 827 North Point closed escrow yesterday with a reported contract price of $1,005,000.