In April 2008 the (euphemism alert) “Large 1 Bedroom Home with Rustic Feel!” at 580 Diamond sold for $935,000 and was flipped three months later for $975,000. And as a plugged-in reader notes, a few weeks ago permits were finally issued to demolish the current home and erect a two-unit building of three stories in its place.
It’s taken a year for the permits to work their way through Planning, the renderings for which we’d welcome with open arms. Readers?
∙ There Must Be A Good Story Behind 580 Diamond, So Who Knows It? [SocketSite]

Looks like they already started the demolition on that poor tree. That pruning is even worse than the architecture.
What were they thinking to build something like this in the first place?
Is it typical for the permitting process to take a year? If so, why?
From the other thread:
Oddly both redfin and zillow indicate that this property only paid about $1000 in taxes for 2009. How is that possible ?
Posted by: The Milkshake of Despair at November 8, 2010 6:37 PM
They paid almost $1200 for 2008, around $1000 as Milkshake said for 2009, and then paid around $1075 for 2010, but then got hit with a supplemental assessment of almost $5400 for the increase from $64K to $935K, but didn’t get a supplemental assessment from $935K to $975K. The current taxable value is $972,684, and they are being billed $11.6K for 2011.
It looks like the assessor screwed up.
Not sure what site you’re using…but I see all supplementals and escape assessments issued correctly. Including the increase from 935k – 975k.
P.S. – why are we talking about this? 🙂
@anna: Yes, it’s quite typical for the planning process to take a year or longer. Why? well, for starters the Planning and Building Dept. rules are very archaic, and full of bureaucracy and confusing code rules. The right hand often does not know what the right is doing.
Will it get better? I doubt it.
^ indeed. A complete clusterfcuk.
noearch – could you please e-mail me at foresthill21 AT gmail dot com?
I’m considering building a home for myself in the city.
Today, that house is maybe in Livermore (landfill). Demolition crew was finishing up earlier today.