As 4252 22nd Street looked above when listed as an unfinished “pre-foreclosure opportunity!” without kitchen for $749,000 a year ago July (having been listed for $1,495,000 in September 2008), it sold for $780,000 in September 2009.
As it looks listed for $1,595,000 today:
And the kitchen that now exists:
∙ Listing: 4252 22nd Street (4/3.5) – $1,595,000 [MLS]
∙ Okay, So How About Half? (4252 22nd Street Goes “Pre-Foreclosure”) [SocketSite]

they must have had bullseye in the bargain bin at Victoriana
I thought this had to be a Vanguard listing because of the fake blue sky… Nope, proven wrong. Prudential. It’s a “what it could potentially look like” picture.
I don’t know about you, fake blue sky or not but I think it looks better now then before
I think this was done very well. The only thing I don’t like is the one tiny sink crammed into the corner in one of the bathrooms. Other than that, great job!
Looks good. I especially like how they’ve managed to get rid of the power lines and level 22nd Street. The house looks much better as well.
I wonder if they can also get rid of this, directly across the street.,+San+Francisco,+California+94114&gl=us&ei=JIm4TNDxB5SqsAPr5LWpDw&ved=0CBIQ8gEwAA&ll=37.754158,-122.439923&spn=0.012487,0.01929&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=37.754152,-122.440093&panoid=c2Ql8VatXuFgdgEZBGLQDA&cbp=12,173.19,,0,1.4
Very nice place. seems well done at least by the pictures. good nabe. not much to hate about this place IMO.
very liveable for many different types of people.
that looks like a classic mid-century mess there across the street. tack a few bullseyes on, fix it right up.
Way too expensive for the neighborhood. Doctoring the picture makes it look much better than the reality.
“Way too expensive for the neighborhood.” Where do you get that from? It seems like it is inexpensive for the nieghborhood to me.
913 Alvarado is up the hill, next to the fire station and has the beds on different floors for more money.
Priced a bit high for this part of Noe. Steep street, near the top but with no views. I predict that it will sell for $1.4M. Does anyone know the square footage?
Speaking of permit history, still had the site open, and this one hasn’t had its permits completed yet, and that kitchen permit is still expired.
Is it just me or does the kitchen have odd proportions? Is that just the wide-angle lens? The wide-angle lens use here actually detracts from some of the other pictures too, and the tub is quite distorted in one of the photos. I wonder how big this place actually is now (one of the old permits was for the horizontal addition).
At anything near selling, it seems like the seller will net a ton on this one.
Let’s see….blue skys+kitchen-power lines=$800k. Sounds great….if they can sell it.
Nicely done in my opinion. Anyone know who the architect/contractor was for this project?
Speaking of 913 Alvarado St, In Escrow Firm. Not sure if this was a flip, but not a bad outcome.
The sellers did incredibly well on 4252 22nd. It sold very quickly and for $1.675M. They got an incredible deal, since the prior owner started the work and completely failed. The seller indeed modified the existing permit (claimed as $110K), as someone suggested to complete the work. What do you think they made on the flip?
On 913 Alvarado, why does Redfin say there was a TIC sale in 2009? This house drew 3 complaints for exceeding the permit scope, and they filed 2 revised permits as a result. It has a robust permit history.