Re-built in 2003 for renowned mezzo-soprano Blanche Thebom (who passed away this past March), the three bedroom Potrero Hill home at 1216 19th Street offers the kind of decks and views that inspire song (or at least a long-weekend post on SocketSite).
∙ Listing: 1216 19th Street (3/2) 3,025 sqft – $1,988,000 [MLS]
∙ In Memoriam: Blanche Thebom (1915-2010) []

STUNNING staging!
a pleasure to look at even at this early hour. A piece of SF RE that shows why the city still remains special. Glad I could be privy to it.
Stunning views and beautiful finishing, but a freakish layout. Clearly, it was a party house.
Additionally, the amazing deck is totally ruined by the roar of 280 below…
The sale of 1216 19th Street closed escrow yesterday with a reported contract price of $2,440,000 (23 percent over asking). Don’t forget those invitations to the housewarming.
wow. anyone share any inside info on the purchase? Given the $400k plus over-bid, I assume this was a multiple-offer situation?
Must be a fantastic property.
Thanks for the update, ss.
The word in the neighborhood is that it was purchased by a guy from around the corner. Don’t know why he paid that much. I never saw the inside, but nothing else has gone that high in Potrero in quite a while.
Not surprised on the overbids here. This is a well-designed and well-furnished property far enough away from the Potrero riff-raff, by SF standards anyway. It was also an estate sale, which tend to be underpriced. And this isn’t LA, but a celebrity house still gets a bump, no?