In this corner, 540 Delancey #204 weighing in at 1,250 square feet with one bedroom and one bath, a rather high-end modern kitchen, and new walls with reveals. Asking $835,000.
In our other corner, 355 Bryant #309 weighing in at 1,551 square feet with one bedroom and one and one-half baths, and a less modern kitchen but some nice ceiling heights. Asking $879,000 (purchased for $926,500 in February 2007).
Let’s get ready to rumble!
∙ Listing: 540 Delancey #204 (1/1) 1,250 sqft – $835,000 [MLS]
∙ Listing: 355 Bryant #309 (1/1.5) 1,551 sqft – $879,000 [MLS]
∙ Cape Horn Lofts (540 Delancey) In General, And #401 In Specific [SocketSite]
∙ The Live/Work Lofts Of 355 Bryant [SocketSite]

Delancey because of location — that Bryant Building is 10 ft away from being underneath the Bay Bridge.
Love the breakfast bar in the Delancey street loft and overall design. Wish they had pictures of the bathroom, hope it’s on par with the rest of the pad. Not impressed with the Bryant street loft but do like the windows.
355 Bryant gets my vote!
Love Love love this building.
The cieling height is dreamy.
Room for tall sculptures!
Bryant is 300sqsft bigger. At that price, go for size, stylistically they are both nice.
Judging only from the above pics, I think delancy is the prettier of the two girls at the bar.
I like the Delancey loft better. I think it’s in a better location and while I’m a fan of some exposed timber, I’m not a fan of the Bryant loft’s exposed timber ceiling, even if it does make it look more like an authentic loft environment.
I do like both of these lofts for their similarities and differences.
As a CA native, my only complaint about most lofts is that I HAVE to have some outdoor space. Weather and opportunity are the reasons I was born here instead of Illinois (insert state or area of your choice). If you were’t born here, that is one of the reasons (besides your job) why you like living here.
I agree with RSVP. They both offer something different, but both are really nice.
A related question would be “For $850k, what would you buy – one of these lofts or something else [specific]?”
I wanna be as far from I-80 as possible…
Another similar loft at the same price point:
I like the Clock Tower loft, but the neighborhood is sketchy. I used to walk past this building on the way to work every day. A couple of years ago I literally had to step over a dead body on the Clock Tower Building sidewalk (a homeless guy–cops were on the scene waiting for an ambulance).
All that space, high prices, and only 1 bedroom?
I will never see the appeal of these lofts.
You walked *over* a dead body? That’s pretty cold. You could have at least walked around him…
@synnyvalesteve – guess that’s why you live in Sunnyvale …
The list price for 355 Bryant #309 was just reduced $30,000 (3%), now asking $849,000. Once again, purchased for $926,500 in February 2007.
And 540 Delancey is in contract – which it was after only 10 days. I’d say that one wins the battle!
In a decisive win in the “battle” between the two, the sale of 540 Delancey #204 closed escrow on 5/28 with a reported contract price of $800,000 or $640 per square foot. 355 Bryant #309 remains active, available, and asking $849,000 ($547 per square).
The list price for 355 Bryant Street #309 has been reduced another $24,000, now asking $825,000. Once again, purchased for $926,250 in February 2007.
While 540 Delancey #204 closed escrow on 5/28 with a reported contract price of $800,000, the listing for 355 Bryant Street #309 has been withdrawn from the MLS after 111 days on the market without a sale. Last asking $825,000 having been purchased for $926,500 in February 2007.