Purchased for $1,050,000 in March 2005, the listing for the remodeled Mid-Century modern three-bedroom Bernal home at 318 Windfield suggests it’s now bank owned (but which we can’t confirm) and asking $1,150,000.
And with respect to that nice neighbor’s anonymous complaint to the DBI for adding the stone patio out back, sorry but it’s under 200 square feet and no permit was needed.
∙ Listing: 318 Winfield (3/2) 1,455 sqft – $1,150,000 [midcenturybernal.com] [MLS]

What is that above the range ? A microwave oven wide enough to reheat a large pizza ?
The one parking spot is valuable here : this stretch of Winfield is often parked solid. The price still seems too high though.
It is both comical and sad that the neighbor took the time to complain about the small stone patio. How on earth could the neighbor be negatively impacted by this project ?
I just hope the owners hired an architect to manage that patio project.
We repaired–not replaced–our wood front steps, not even thinking a permit would be required. One anonymous complaint later, we were out an additional $475. DBI insisted that we were supposed to pull a permit and file plans (!). I’m still wondering if my contractor and the DBI inspector conspired to file a fake complaint and split the permit $$.
“It is both comical and sad that the neighbor took the time to complain about the small stone patio. How on earth could the neighbor be negatively impacted by this project ?”
My local building inspector is always complaining about spending too much time following up on baseless neighbor complaints.. He says they often start getting into back and forth complaints against each other, different neighbors, etc, and he has to go out and check each complaint.
I am astonished that people are paying these prices in Bernal Heights. $800/sq ft.
My guess is this sells around $950K
The real news here is that a [realtor] is actually marketing a REO listing.
There are many deluded and entitled-feeling primadonnas in this town with ugly souls who will complain about everything. Two days ago someone parked two feet into my driveway. Instead of ticketing her, I left a note. It suggested that if she needed to back into the spot so that she could access the driver’s side from my driveway, which her rear view side mirror made her about two feet into, perhaps it was not actually a spot. Yesterday she told me that I had harassed her, and that I was a Nazi. For leaving a note. When I could have had her towed. Oh, those Nazis, and the awful legacy of note leaving that they left! And that’s another thing. Don’t throw “Nazi” around like it’s nothing. UGH!
I’ve been noticing the rhetoric is pretty mean in this city for stuff like parking over a driveway. thought this was a friendly, tolerant place.
244 Elsie was priced in the $800Ks for 1040 sqft and apparently just got seven offers, including several that were all-cash or with v. large down payments. Assuming that the offers were at or above asking, that will be in the $800s per square foot.
It is perplexing to me, though – why the huge piles of cash and the smaller/”cheaper” houses? A sign of new fiscal responsibility in SF? Or Baby Boomer parents giving their kids down-payment money?
I overlapped on someone’s driveway one late night not far from home. The limit wasn’t really obvious with no street lights. I had a meter-maid-style cop knocking at my door at 3AM, with the flashing lights of the tow-away truck waking up the whole street. He had looked me up on the DMV database and was kind enough to warn me before I’d be ticketed.
I apologized to the owner, thanked the cop, moved my car. I wasn’t ticketed. Case closed. Things can turn for the better with the right attitude.
I’ve been noticing the rhetoric is pretty mean in this city for stuff like parking over a driveway. thought this was a friendly, tolerant place
Riiiight. Well, it wasn’t mean. It was, “Maybe this isn’t a spot because you’re two inches from the car to your right and you needed to back into this spot, and you’re still two feet over.” I wonder how you’d feel if somebody parked into your driveway. You’d probably be like most San Franciscans and have ’em towed right away. It’s happened to me, and it sucks. That’s why I don’t do it to others.
A sign of new fiscal responsibility in SF? Or Baby Boomer parents giving their kids down-payment money
Whether family money or not, usually they’re angling for a full conforming loan, maybe FHA, with the low rate. I’ve recently done three deals where it was family money.
I think MC modern is stretching it. More like MC SF stucco row house with the usual 21st century SS upgrades.
I’d be hesitant to buy a place when you already the neighbor is inclined to be petty and mean.
Unfortunately, avoiding petty and mean neighbors would mean moving into a Unabomber shack in the woods, or at least far, far from SF.
Hopefully, the petty/mean neighbors can be satisfied with the schadenfreude of knowing the house was taken back by the bank, and decide not battle the new owners.
And thankfully, petty/mean neighbors are greatly outnumbered by kind and welcoming ones.
when someone says you are harassing them and then calls you a nazi for parking a few feet over your driveway???
that’s not mean? seriously?
it scares me.
I overlapped on someone’s driveway one late night not far from home. The limit wasn’t really obvious with no street lights.
I’m calling BS on your effort to even figure it out.
You don’t understand what happened. But yeah, they were lame.
Anonn, these buyers using family money, how are they avoiding gift tax consequences? Are they spending long-established trust funds? Are the parents taking an ownership stake in the home? Parents can’t just up and give a quarter million to their kids without tax issues.
And I’m sorry to hear about the vicious response to your humane approach to the parking issue.
oh, ok . I guess “lame” is a euphemism for mean elsewhere. only 15 year old boys use the word lame anymore.
@new2SF, Huh? Back up. Read what was written. Digest it. Then switch lame for mean if you like.
FHA has relaxed gifting for down payment.
you are a better man than me.
I got so tired of people overparking onto my driveway. some days I was stuck in my driveway, because BOTH people “just barely parked” in my driveway, causing it to be effectively blocked.
the only thing that eventually saved me is that SF realized they could make a killing with parking enforcement around UCSF. I have a picture of 6 little parking buggies on my block at the same time
made me laugh.
I’m calling BS on your effort to even figure it out.
You can do whatever you like, this is a free country.
FHA may have forgiven gifting for downpayments, but the IRS hasn’t. Gifting of more than 13K a year is taxable.
Made our way through the rains today to see this house. Not sure about the REO, but, it is definitely a gem and one of the best houses I’ve seen north of Cortland in quite a while. I’m sure it will go quickly, right around asking.
There’s no recorded document that indicates it’s bank-owned and First American doesn’t show it as bank-owned.
I didn’t see anything in the public record, either, to indicate that this is bank owned. At any rate, it looks like the REALTOR® has fixed the MLS entry.
Price dropped to $1,092,500.