As we head to the Sierras to scramble up the Matterhorn in an homage to Kerouac and Snyder, the façade of 2214 14th Avenue seemed a rather fitting way to end the week.
Now if only its recent renovations were as so. And if ever there were a time for haiku…
∙ Listing: 2214 14th Avenue (2/1) – $769,000 [MLS]

wait wait … they forgot the slate.
Dynamite Ocean Views
Yup. With all those wires in the way, nothing short of dynamite will do to get an unobstructed ocean view.
Fire lookout above?
Kerouac and Snyder say
this house is ugly
Tahoe ranchburger over
New Jersey Italian over
French medieval village
with views of the ocean
slate wood brick concrete cooper
is fugly the new pretty ?
mosquitos biting.
My first crack at haiku using this for english-haiku guidelines
You’ve heard of doublewides? Well, this is a tripletall.
If Redfin/Property Shark are to be believed, this house has a story. Maybe this will inspire the haiku poet in someone.
On 6/17/2002 Min Tan puts $22k (5%) down and buys this house for $439K. 4 years later he/she sells to Valeriy Myasnyakin for $680K for a gain (before any expenses) of $241K (1100%) on his/her investment of $22K.
Valeriy seems to have put down $136K (20%). On 7/30/2009 Valeriy appears to have lost the house (and all of her downpayment) to Parkside Investments for the $544K owed to the bank.
Now about 25 days (and a lightening fast revovation) later, one lucky buyer has the chance to “own” this gem for the low price of $769K.
log cabin on top
mountain snowfall down below
san francisco fog
Lincoln Logs. Faux stone.
Ten more finishes inside.
Fruit Loops with Fried Rice.
It’s a new design style called the “Neopolitan”.(“Spumoni” wasn’t as catchy.)
Ok, I cannot resist a non-haiku shot at this one 🙂
If we have one of those eathquakes that roll sideways (forget what it is called), then is it possible that this “structure” (I cannot call it a home !) will slide to the right in 2 sections (each at the demarkation of the different construction material as seen in the picture) ?
If that happens, then is there enough room on the right side land, to allow the owner and builder to see of the newly formed units as 2 more “homes” ??
it’s as if Mark Twain moved to Switzerland and asked for a victorian
Solar Robot’s ex
Now with foe Stone Monolith
Odd love triangle.
It’s as if Hades Kennel served up something disagreeable to Cerebus, and he took a three-headed dump after lunch about it.
Is “chuckie” saying that the mortgage company did the remodel? Is that common?
liberal arts degree
lots and lots of opinions
why so many blowhards
Good grief, guys.
no liberal arts
still this engineer knows the
five seven five rule
“Sierra” equals
a rugged range of mountains
no “s” on the end
chimney doesn’t match
stone appears on wrong level
yeah… that ruins it.
Kurt, I’m giving you my personal SS Haiku Champion’s Trophy for your 8/27 @ 3:27. That last line was inspired.
And there’s a registered sex offender per Megan’s list, living next door.
@Shza: I’m honored.
I’d like to bestow a similar award to Debtpocalypse for his “Odd Love Triangle” and “Three-headed dump” entries.
I think we should do more Haiku on SS. It’s witty, and, as a bonus, quite civil.
All good and well except the house next door is notorious throughout the neighborhood for its constant foot traffic, late night gatherings, and assorted mish mash. Buyer beware.
The house has pretty much a zero lot line. If it gets anywhere near the list price it will be surprising.
Kurt Brown
Hands Down
The list price for 2214 14th Avenue has been reduced $30,000 to $739,000.
The list price for 2214 14th Avenue has been reduced another $40,000 to $699,000.
“On 6/17/2002 Min Tan puts $22k (5%) down and buys this house for $439K. 4 years later he/she sells to Valeriy Myasnyakin for $680K for a gain (before any expenses) of $241K (1100%) on his/her investment of $22K.
Valeriy seems to have put down $136K (20%). On 7/30/2009 Valeriy appears to have lost the house (and all of her downpayment) to Parkside Investments for the $544K owed to the bank.”
What a lovely example of the bubble mechanism. Through the miracle of debt, money flows backwards through time from late market participants to early market participants.
The $241K of free money that popped out of nowhere and into the hands of Min Tan is balanced by the $136K of hard earned money that winked out of existence from Valeriy’s hands (plus future losses from the next participant).
Every dollar of free money that popped into existence and into someone’s hands during the market run up will be balanced by a dollar of hard earned money that will wink out of existence out of someone’s hands on the way down. From the taxpayer if no one else has money in hand to be destroyed.
The sale of 2214 14th Ave closed escrow yesterday with a reported contract price of $647,000.
As noted above, purchased on the courthouse steps for $544,001 this past July and then remodeled with a new kitchen and baths, it had sold for $680,000 in August of 2006 before being lost to the bank.