Five weeks after a plugged-in reader reported the Mayor’s Bellaire Tower penthouse condo was on the market for $3,200,000 (which Matier & Ross confirmed three weeks later), 1101 Green Street #2001 has been listed. The price, however, has been reduced to $2,995,000.
Once again, purchased from Peter Getty for $2,350,000 in February 2006 as a two-bedroom, but “completely remodeled & stripped to the studs & designed by Michael Agins & Assoc Interior Design” since.
Now a rather spectacular 1,693 square foot one-bedroom with one and one-half baths.
Flawless interior design – and insanely expensive too!
Anyway, it’d be great if it had at least three bedrooms… I can’t even venture a guess if someone would buy this.
Where’s he moving? Anyone know?
Where’s he moving? Um, Sacramento.
As for this place, I think he must have overpaid when he bought it from Peter Getty.
I want to go on the record now, first, with my prediction that Gavin Newsom isn’t moving anywhere near Sacramento. I won’t be so bold as to predict he won’t win the nomination of his party, but he’s not going to be elected Governor, in any case.
If he’s lucky and current market conditions worsen, this condo will still be on the market after the election’s over and he’ll be able to move back in it.
He doesn’t have a chance to even win his party’s nomination. The man is hated in most of the state.
Flawless? If BROWN is your thing. Yuck.
The place is completely over priced….but maybe someone wants celebrity status…
As for Gavin, there are other areas of the internet to bash him. I personally hope he makes it to President one day.
I really hate the turd-colored walls, and they will be a pain to paint over. It looks like the ultimate bachelor pad, totally unlivable for a family. I guess hizzonor didn’t have many friends or family visiting, with not so much as a guest room in the penthouse hideaway…
If the developers thought he stands a chance to win, they’d be lining up to bid over asking. So I guess the price drop means he’s out?
“completely remodeled & stripped to the studs & designed by Michael Agins & Assoc Interior Design”
Would anyone else like to see the cashed checks on this work? (“Gosh… you know? We must have neglected to invoice the Mayor. Our oversight….)
Does Noisome come from money? Did his ex-Victoria Secrets wife? How does a Mayor afford this sort of place?
Is that Partida tequila that I spy in his kitchen? Reposado? Top shelf, far left.
Good taste Gavin, well done. Feed the prospective buyers enough of that alcoholic masterpiece, and I’m sure they’ll overlook the ugly paint job.
He made his cash flipping houses and starting companies using the money from his best bud’s (Billy Getty) family. I’m sure others here know more details.
He made millions (maybe 10s of millions) off of Plumpjack, Debtpocalypse. As lolcat says, the seed money for that and every other company he started (none nearly as successful) came from the Gettys.
The price is in the views, and the question is whether views are worth that much.
Did he really live in this monochrome place? Or has it been staged to sell?
Is this horrible stuff his furniture?
No one ever said that politicians have good taste, but one can suppose that the most preppy Timothy Geithner does not live in a place like this.
Nor did the Columbia-Princeton-Harvard educated Obamas, prior to the White House.
So, everyone here has eggshell walls and ikea furniture? What’s with all the hate for the “turd colored walls”–I wish my turds were such a lovely chocolate color with just a hint of plum… but I digress. I like it- bet I’d love the views too. I’d paint a few of the rooms something other than turd color- just cause I have other crayons in my box…
Accordign to this old SFWeekly article he got some of his money in a real estate deal with dad…
“But the judge is not the only Newsom who has benefited from his financial entwinement with the Gettys. William Newsom has cut in his son — who often cites his successes as a “small businessman” as a political credential — on at least one lucrative Getty-backed deal. In 2001, the judge brought Gavin Newsom into a Hawaii beachfront real estate investment in which his initial $125,000 stake soared to more than $1 million — an eightfold increase — in just six months, according to interviews and public records.”
Looks like real estate photogs are discovering HDR.
I know that hawaii deal… the developers made a fortune… perfect timing for the kona real estate explosion… I flipped a home there myself, making far less a return than they did, but did fine…
i’ll take a bow for correctly guessing the listing agent in the last thread.
Shades of grey and brown are very in right now people! I think it looks very sophisticated… It two years orange and chartreuse may be back, so enjoy the neutrals while they last…
I’m just a bit puzzled by the expense of this thing… Gavin moved here post divorce and these (all new) furnishings alone could’ve cost 500k.
I am not down with the chocolate brown nor with that hideous kitchen and bath. It looks like every questionable decorating trend of the past three years and a quarry threw up in there.
Very Jonathan Adler-esk. I love it. I think it’s a tad expensive for a one bedroom, but the ultimate bachelor pad for sure!
To the early posters: Mr. Mayor is moving because he and Mrs. Mayor are expecting a baby. One bdr won’t do when baby makes three.
gorgeous pad & great pics of the views.
as for gavin the governor: I may disagree w/ him, but I’d still vote for him.
Like many SF’ers say about me: ‘he may be a jerk — but he’s OUR jerk’.
I think someone else posted a link to this, but somehow I can’t see it anymore:
It is relevant in view of the contents of the kitchen shelves.
Thanks for the Newsome intelligence.
To the extent those words even belong together….
Also, for those two of you that weren’t already aware – his wife’s parents are billionaires… I’d sure they’d be happy to buy the happy couple and their growing family something a bit bigger!
It is not just the kitchen shelves: There is also a double wine refrigerator under the counter. “I have come to the conclusion that I will be a better person without alcohol in my life”…
I can’t believe people are thinking of voting for this clown for Governor or President(?)LOL. The building is ok – location is good, needs work, and the unit isn’t worth close to the asking price. I guess it takes one idiotic buyer or enthusiastic supporter – good luck.
Microwave above the stove, especially commercial style stoves/ranges = tacky. For the life of me I don’t understand why people choose to do that instead of installing a full on hood vent.
Gorgeous. One of the few “penthouses” that actually looks like a penthouse rather than a condo that just happens to be on the top floor. Puts Rincon/Infinty penthouses to shame.
Looks like a $750K-1M+ renovation and would not be surprised if he loses money on the place.
For the record, the Mayor & Kimberly moved into the penthouse in 2005, well before their divorce.
What a complete change from his last house – a beautiful William Wurster in Pac Heights, with beautiful modern furniture. From that to ersatz renaissance phew! Do I detect a lack of principles or commitment in the style category?
and you are just a 1 level block walk from
Charlotte Malliard Swig Schultze’s penthouse.
The listing says one bedroom, but there seems to be another room that is an office. That could be another bedroom or nursery. There is also an alcove off the LR that seems to be curtained off now. It seems simple to put up a wall and make that an office.
I do love the carping from people about the decor. How many of you live in a place that is anywhere near the sophistication of this place?
Oh come on. Can’t you just see Newsom v. Romney, 2016: The Battle Of The Hatchet-Headed White Guys?
Their hair would need to have its own debates.
That said, yeah, I’d live there. 3 mil might be a bit much in this market. If you want a badass bachelor pad, though, it’s kind of hard to beat.
I like the decor- I think it’s tasteful. Even though that shade is not what I would have chosen for the bathroom.
Like others commenting, I also think it’s overpriced.
I think it would be the ultimate bachelor’s pad if it had two bedrooms and two baths. You know, the second bed and bath for strays….
As far as the alcohol….. I thought he stopped drinking then picked it back up, saying he could drink in moderation and had it under control. Whatever that means. (And I don’t mean to suggest that I know anything about his situation- I don’t.)
there might be some restrictions about venting to the outside, even on a top-floor condo.
The views are to die for. That plethora of sludgy brown everywhere is horrible. And what’s with the dated kitchen?
Is that the bed where he nailed his buddy’s wife?
Former two-term governor Jerry Brown leads a potential Democratic primary field with 31% of the vote, according to a new poll by Tulchin Research. Brown currently serves as state attorney general, and also is a former secretary of state.
Tested against Brown were San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Lt. Gov. John Garamendi, and Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell.
Brown 31
Newsom 16
Villaraigosa 12
Garamendi 11
O’Connell 6
Undecided 20
Garamendi announced this week he is instead seeking a soon-to-be vacant U.S. House seat in California’s 10th District, which Rep. Ellen Tauscher is vacating to serve in the State Department.
Funny, I had this on my pocket listings post back on 3/11/09. It’s nice to see some photos of the interior.
Parking is valet parking according to the listing. I saw a Tesla outside the building recently, is that where they park? Seems there is no garage.
The closest Newsom’s getting to Sacramento is Sacramento Street.
@Binnings Team –
Is that the VW logo on your “pocket listings” page?
This is a beautifully renovated place. It’s not to everyone’s taste if you like Wallpaper type of look. But if you subscribes to Elle Decor, this place is it.
It’s an ultimate bachelor’s pad in my opinion. It’ll take the right guy/gal to buy this place. It has a rather limited appeal to most people. But then again, it just takes one client to make the deal happen. I don’t think this place is anymore expensive than say St Regis and I would rather live here than there.
That’s the WordPress logo… the company that hosts my blog. It does look a lot like VW 🙂
HMS – I don’t think you can install a hood unless there’s proper ventilation for it and on older buildings that means an interior vent shaft. Unless the building is designed for such interior venting, or you can move the stove to an exterior wall and then receive approval for punching a hole in the wall (doubtful), you are stuck with the non-vent option. He might have been able to punch a hole in the roof, but that might disturb stuff up there. I have a similar place (giant one bed in an old building) and am hoping to install a vent hood but it’s not looking good.
note the water saving shower head.
It’s required to wash the gel off.
He needs a pressure washer, not a low flow. Maybe that explains everything- it’s all been seeped into his skull due to inadequate water flow.
The fact that no bidding war has developed between developers tells the whole story.
There will be no “Gov” before ” Gav’s” name.
And gosh, Jerry Brown has certainly been a long time at the trough.
This place is not fit for a king… it’s fit for a Q U E E N.
It may be a three million dollar flat and it may be a designer shade of brown, selected by a high-end design firm, but I know a cheap bathroom vanity when I see one, and I also note that his TP holder is tacked to the side of his vanity cabinet jammed up against his WC just like the one in my double wide– but on further reflection, I realize that most of his crap comes out of his mouth.
I am a former resident of Bellaire Tower, and since someone brought up the parking, there are two floors of parking, one entrance on the north side of the building, one on the east. It is a fabulous building. A great Association with a ton in reserves.
There is a lot to this unit that is not shown in the pictures.