Described as having “the charm of a Victorian farmhouse enhanced with modern amenities,” there’s only one thing of which we can be certain: you had better like the look of beadboard if you buy it.
∙ Listing: 326 Surrey (2/2) – $949,000 [MLS]
∙ Behind the Scenes with Beadboard [Old House Journal]

815/sq ft for Glen Park.
The last sale was in November of 2006 for $650K. I’m guessing a large renovation was done? This is a fairly nice area, though, and close to BART.
It was a very large renovation. The house was pretty scary before.
Looks like a mixture of beadboard and embossed panelling.
Oh, boy … I’m just waiting for someone here to go ballistic over the fact that “Victorian” and “modern” were used in the same sentence, referring to the same property …
This house used to look like a Halloween house of Horrors. You couldn’t even really see it behind the trees. It certainly looks nice from the outside now and I think the location on Surrey is great (quiet, close to the village, not too hilly and very near the park!).
And 815/sq ft. in Glen Park is fairly standard. So don’t diss my hood! 😉
“And 815/sq ft. in Glen Park is fairly standard.”
I like this area as well, but 2005 is over. 203 Fairmount is still out there at $650 psf. Want value? Check out 525 Laidley. Beautiful, turnkey property on the market at $400 per square foot. And it’s not covered with siding that reminds me of my grandparents’ attic circa 1972.
This is on my block. It has a sketchy past of which any potential buyer should be aware. It didn’t just look like a House of Horrors. It was.
They have done a very extensive renovation, inside and out and it looks great. I’m not sure if the new paint and appliances will completely remove the bad juju however.
Dude, are you talking about the horizontal beadboarding on the walls? That was my reaction as well – it looks like siding. According to the Old House link, running it horizontally is not uncommon … in the South. Thanks for pointing out the $psf on 525 Laidley, didn’t realize that place was that big.
Bad juju. There were some rough edges in this area but seems to be getting cleaned up. Or am I deluded? Can’t beat the location wrt BART and Diamond/Chenery are hopping.
“And 815/sq ft. in Glen Park is fairly standard.”
I don’t think so. Acording to currently MSL lsitings, Glen Park area averages around $600/sq ft for SFR
I just saw some of the 3/2 prices per sq. ft and they ranged from $600 (low-end) to $1,000 sq. ft with the average being about $770 per sq. ft (but that’s only for what has listed sq. ft.) for sales in the last six months. I don’t know the details on the 2/2 market in GP though nor do I have any insight on whether the market in Glen Park has suddenly dropped. Considering the amount of work that needs to be done to any of the houses in this city, I’d certainly consider a house like this for $815 sq. ft. if I were in the market for a 2/2. I know I don’t have the time or talent to put in new heating, roof, windows, electrical, plumbing, etc. Anyway – that’s my last word on the subject. I will definitely be a nosy neighbor and check out the open house.
Oh…and as for the bad juju – there was an article in the Glen Park News about the house. I think both kids of the woman who owned the place were mentally ill, homeless, etc. There was a sign out front for quite some time after she died with the number for one of the kids to call. The situation seemed pretty sad.
Sold in November ’06 &649k, December ’07 $1,025k.
Just relisted, $899k.