“Hot” neighborhood. Check. “Updated electrical and plumbing.” Check. Urinal. Wait a…
∙ Listing: 427 14th Street (1/1) – $489,000 (TIC) [MLS]

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“Hot” neighborhood. Check. “Updated electrical and plumbing.” Check. Urinal. Wait a…
∙ Listing: 427 14th Street (1/1) – $489,000 (TIC) [MLS]
i’ve never seen one either but i’ve heard about it. it’s probably owned by dink’s that are both male. quite clever when you think about.
I am a male, but I think that urinals are quite fowl for a private bathroom. I would never want one where I live.
I’ve been told by a contractor that urinals are against code.
They conserve water. Why would they be against code?
I’m a dink and I want one…there are much classier looking ones than this available.
Misogyny on a high order. You may be allowed in my house, but you are not allowed to pee. Since women make up 54% of the population this could put some downward pressure on the buying pool. Does this belong to a founding members of the He-Man woman haters club?
If anything, women should like having a urinal in home. Minimize splattering.
kathleen and a few others, you missed my point. i’m guessing the current owners are two gay guys. no women in the house. it’s brilliant!
I’m sure there’s a toilet somewhere. I think an option like this is great, much better design (less mess) for the guys.
If you look at the pictures, there is a toilet on the other side of the sink.
I would love this! My girlfriend can have her seated toilet that I only use in obvious circumstances, and the rest of the time I can use my urinal. No longer will I get blamed for every mark within a 5 ft radius of the bowl. And they have very classy-looking units that use zero water as well, very environmentally sound.
what’s with the paper towel holder off the vanity mirror? you’d think they would have an automatic hand dryer in that bathroom.
Its starts with a unrinal and ends with a burka.
Ok (some) men like it. Please find me one woman who would say, “Oh, goody! We can have a urinal in our house. Let’s not let this gem get away.”
I have never been blessed with the art of subtle communication, but it is a subtle point I am making. If you build a private home with a urinal in it, I personally believe you are disregarding women, in a huge, in your face way.
I have seen urinals in two private homes. Look at our powder room. First thought to self, where is the exit…
Many women use bathrooms with urinals in them only when they are desparate and faced with no other options.
This bathroom then would be then be a shrine to the “desparate with no other options feeling” bathroom.
Even if it is bought or sold to just men, 20% of their purchase should be with the next buyer in mind. In the science of gross numbers, it doesn’t crunch.
I think you need to get a life.
explain to me how a woman uses a urinal? the logistics are quite baffling.
Oh my God some people are taking this too seriously. There is obviously a regular toilet somewhere, this house has just one bathroom, and we all have to do a #2. If anything this is just an addition. It’s like saying if we put in anything that is not unisex in the house then it’s somehow anti-female.
Some readers need to relax.
I’ve personally been lusting after a home with a urinal in it. It’s totally win-win for everyone.
1) I’m no longer accused of leaving the toilet seat up after a 4am relieving.
2) Drunken 4am relieving is that much easier.
3) They save on water. I’m a fan of “if it’s yellow let it mellow.”
Why would women get so upset about a bathroom with a urinal? It’s got a toilet, too.
I think the benefits are obvious for why you would put a urinal in your bathroom: you wouldn’t have to clean the bathroom as much, because people’s expectations of cleanliness are so much reduced in spaces in which there are urinals.
Just change the peanut shells on the floor every couple of months and you have the perfect low maintenance bathroom for busy professionals.
Kathleen, you just aren’t looking at the possibilities. Now if they could take down that stupid mirror above the urinal and put up the sports pages, I think the “look” would be complete and they would be besieged with offers.
Like mirrors over toilets that tilt downward, sometimes it is just too much information.
I just asked the first woman to walk into my office this morning what she would think of a urinal in her only home bathroom and the words gross and stupid.. It’s too open. with a toilet you an put the seat down and ewww…. I am done now.
Tipster, Com’on… Sports pages? You’re obviously not thinking. You remove the mirror, put up a touch-sensitive internet connected display, and surf the web, catching up on the latest on SocketSite while doing what you’re doing. Only option is reading glasses for some of us…
I am of the “sitting all the time” sex, but with a husband and two boys. I would love to have a urinal in the bathroom (actually thought about it but couldn’t make it work….).
Why not? An easier target to hit (it seems like to me) ergo less cleanup (doesn’t anyone here have little boys???) and presumably uses less water. Plus, as scurvy noted above, no more issues over leaving the seat up.
Seems to me that this falls solidly in the “personal preference” category (like bidets, which I personally don’t care for). Applying any more meaning just seems to be, well, pissy….
To the earlier poster mentioning that this unit was likely occupied by two gay men, I have one question. Why would gay men like urinals in their homes? I’ve always thought that gay men were very much into style but also immaculate homes. I would think that the sanitary aspects associated with a urinal would be enough to prevent them from putting it up in their houses.
There was a listing I looked at on Russian Hill about 2 years ago, 33 White Street, that had a urinal in the only bathroom.
The weird thing was that although the interior was edited, it wasn’t staged with entirely new stuff. What was there indicated a woman owned the placed, right down to the framed diplomas.
women obviously will be harder pressed to see the advantages of having a urinal, but can you find me one woman who has never complained about the toilet seat being up or toilet bowl splash?
i think the urinal is a great idea. a toilet seat that goes up and down is a terrible compromise of a solution.
hey, men gotta poop too…c’mon people, there has to be a bona fide toilet somewhere in the house.
Yes, there is a toilet. And it’s next to a ground floor window that opens so you can chat with passersby.
‘I am of the “sitting all the time” sex’
I just wanted to take that snippet out of context just to enjoy it here.
My favorite quote is “Its starts with a unrinal and ends with a burka.”
Here I thought the urinal was the funniest thing about the post, then I read the comments.
I met the owner on Broker Tour and he told me he’d take them out if women bought the units.