Four days ago, and after a little less than a month on the market, the price on 3383 Clay Street in Presidio Heights was reduced $390,000 (8.9%). While two days ago, and after a little over a month on the market, the list price on 2801 Lake Street in Sea Cliff was reduced $605,000 (16.8%).
And then there’s 1580 Masonic. Yesterday, and after three months on the market, the list price was dropped…$4,000 (0.1%).
UPDATE: We just received word that the list price on 1580 Masonic has actually been reduced by $104,000 (2.8%). And although we should have caught it, it does appear that a data entry error (although not on our part) was to blame for the confusion.
∙ Listing: 3383 Clay Street (4/3.5) – $3,995,000 [MLS]
∙ Listing: 2801 Lake Street (5/5.5) – $2,995,000 [MLS]
∙ Sometimes It’s Simply The Small Things: 1580 Masonic [SocketSite]

You should take a look at 2 Vulcan Stairway.
This property has been on the market for well over a year.,-N208630,-N,-A,-N10292266
I’d be willing to pay a premium just to have my address be “Vulcan Stairway” 🙂
OMG – was the Lake street house owned by Liberace?
Interesting to see how much the Lake St./Sea Cliff home will go for considering there are at least six other properties for sale in that neighborhood. In fact, I just drove by it and there is a nice colonial style home for sale right across the street.
At $3MM, these places are in a market of their own. I wonder how much a 400K reduction matters at this price range. I think 900K condos being reduced to 820K would be more significant and relevant to most S.F. buyers. These houses are great but it takes a ton of cash to buy one.
~$1273/sq ft? Even that’s high for Presidio/Pacific Heights.
I hope whoever buys the Lake Street house can wait to move in. Because from the pictures posted, it looks like it’s going to take a few months just to clear all of the current owner’s stuff out.
The Clay st listing is way over priced. I’d think $3m would be a grand slam for that property. Good luck. Buyers in this market never cease to amaze me so you can’t blame them for trying as there is a dearth of quality homes for sale in those parts of town. Might just land the big fish!
We just received word that the list price on 1580 Masonic has actually been reduced by $104,000 (2.8%). And although we should have caught it, it does appear that a data entry error (although not on our part) was to blame for the confusion.
I’d like to continue reading the rest of today’s updates, but the photos of the Lake Street residence made my eyes bleed. Will return to finish reading tomorrow after bleeding has stopped.
Wow. Each of the 51 photos of Lake St. had me laughing out loud.
My wife and I visited the one on Lake. The pictures do not do it justice. I wouldn’t want to buy it if only because I wouldn’t want to be responsible for changing it.
The owners had lived there for ages, but now the kids and grandchildren are living in LA, and the wife has, sadly, moved into a hospice house down there.
Think of a wealthy, gregarious couple who treasure every little thing anybody has ever given them and love every moment they’re alive. That’s how I imagine these two.
And not a bad house, all told. Layout upstairs is a little odd, letting you do a loop through the bedrooms. And there’s an odd little center patio-esque thing, but it’s about 4’x1′. (It’s currently filled with fake trees and stuffed pandas.) Kitchen needs work, but could be great. No yard, just a cement pad and a tree. $3m for that is no crazier that whatever else you’d pay in Sea Cliff.