From a comment on yesterday’s piece concerning 310 Townsend: “On a side note, does anyone know where I can find the dining table pictured?” The readers nailed it when it came to the barstools, but can they do it again with something slightly larger like a table? We have faith.
∙ The House Is Great (But I Really Want Those Barstools) [SocketSite]
∙ 310 Townsend: Additional Evidence Of Price Reductions [SocketSite]

I think that is actually a ‘Parson’s Custom’ from Room and Board, but I could be mistaken.
Yep I too vote for a custom from Room and Board. Looks exactly like the table top I almost bought. not too expensive either!
I think you could probably get it at 310 Townsend for about $895k, and they’ll probably throw in a 1 BR condo gratis….
The Parson’s Custom table has metal legs, unless I missed an option. Besides, that looks like a marble table top.
Those are metal legs. The front ones look like wood because the wood floor is reflecting off of them. You can tell for sure by the table’s back left leg is reflecting on the floor.
Nah, I have to say “no” on the Parsons. I own the bed and the Parsons line doesn’t come in such polished s.s., legs are not that wide, and it has a horizontal rail under the top. Off the top of my head, I’d look into Monica Armani, I think she has something similar. Maybe even Zanotta or Kartell? I think it’s on the high end.
Actually, now that I look at it, the chairs are Hi Pad from Cappellini – I’ve only ever found them at Limn, so go to Limn and you’ll probably find the table too. Should have guessed it was staged by Limn since it’s on Townsend!
The stagers frequently put up a sign at the open house and, if it is a stager and not Limn itself that staged it, they very frequently sell their stuff off. So I’d find out who staged it and call them and tell them you are interested.
The other suggestion is to go to the open house and just look under the table. The manufacturer is probably marked somewhere under the table.
When you come back up from looking under the table and people are giving you strange looks, say something like “yup, they just don’t make floors like this anywhere!”
tipster: It’s not some big dirty secret that staging is going on, right? Why all the top-secret behavior? 🙂