601 King Street is a “mixed-use development of retail space and 224 dwelling units” (market rate and affordable housing) that is being developed by A.F. Evans Company and architected by david baker + partners. The design incorporates a half-acre of public open space and a portion of the Mission Creek trail/bikeway [Editor’s note: cool].
Construction is was estimated to run through the end of 2006. Or perhaps well in to 2007…
∙ A.F. Evans Company [afevans.com]
∙ 601 King Street Design [david baker + partners]
∙ Capturing Construction [SocketSite]

I would be very surprised if this was done by the end of 2006! They are nowhere within six months of finishing this building.
Note also that right across 7th Street from this development is another huge development which just began a couple of months ago. That one hugs the inside curve of the train tracks.
Anyone considering a move over here, around 7th, Townsend, or Berry Streets, should know that they’ll be living right next to the CalTrain tracks and station. Those trains are loud and they spew diesel exhaust (not to mention the plentiful soot that’ll already spews from traffic on I-280). There are gonna be a lot of folks getting woken up at 6:00am every day when that first train rumbles into the station!