Sporting a “New Price” (originally $1,200,00), new paint (we’re biting our tongues), and a new MLS number (soon to be filed under ‘trends’), unit #21 in The Midtown (1452 Bush Street) joins the three other units (#3, #9, #16) currently for sale in the twenty-two unit building.
∙ Listing: 1452 Bush Street #21 (3/3.5) – $1,125,000 [MLS]
∙ Locking In Gains At The Midtown? [SocketSite]

Can we all agree that any building called The Whatever should be subject to a large tax? And that any place called The Whatever at Someplace should be subject to a tax at least twice as large?
I just read disclosures on this building, and it appears the reason people are leaving is because of the noise between the units. The asking prices aren’t too much higher than what the units had sold for originally in MLS, so I don’t think this is about people trying to make $. After paying broker fees, they’ll be lucky to break even.
saltysoo couldn’t be more wrong about why units at The Midtown haven’t sold. SocketSite couldn’t be more wrong with their “Read it Today (Because tomorrow you pay)” commentary linking to her comment.
saltysoo is incorrect and SocketSite should check their facts before linking to comments that aren’t factual.
Actual Resident – we’re definitely interested in gathering, and presenting, as many facts (or opinions) as possible. And we have no problem with being corrected, so what do you believe is the real reason so many units were on the market and failing to sell?