Advertising the “very first City-approved installation of a rainwater catchment system”, recycled blue jean denim insulation, reclaimed hardwood flooring, and solar heating (along with numerous other “Green” features) , Brown & Co. and Lorax Development have dubbed 520 Clipper “The Greenest Home in San Francisco”. We just might have to agree.
And although we have yet to see it in person, it sounds/looks spectacular. And Lorax Development? Love it.
[Update: This place is stunning – from the design, to the finishes, to the views. Granted, some will be bothered by the loft-like openness, and we’re not so sure about that “wine cellar”, but we’re still in awe. We officially bow down to Lorax.]
∙ Listing: 520 Clipper – $1,899,000 [MLS]
∙ Lorax Development: Building Green in San Francisco []

Looks gorgeous. Anyone familiar with their other projects on 26th or 22nd/Valencia??