A tipster passes along the links to three new developments soon(?) to grace(?) the San Francisco skyline:
∙ The Infinity (300 Spear) ~ 650 units
∙ The Soma Grand (1160 Mission) ~ 246 units
∙ One Rincon Hill (First and Harrison) ~ 695 units
Note: Last we read One Rincon Hill was on hold (something about not wanting it to fall over). And the tipster also included the following: “I thought it might be funny to do a thread on the site about stupid building names”. We’ll…we’re here to please, so feel free to have at it folks.

About One Rincon Hill being on hold: it apparently now has everything shy of the green light: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/01/09/BAGNQGKH471.DTL&hw=One+Rincon+Hill&sn=002&sc=917