Heller Manus has refined their designs for Greystar’s proposed 87-unit rental building to rise at 2198 Market Street (the triangular shaped lot on the northeast corner of Market and Sanchez).
As designed, the building would rise to a height of 65-feet along Market Street with 5,100 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor, including a yet to be determined restaurant.
The height of the building would drop to 40-feet on the northern portion of the site along Sanchez Street, which includes the entrance to the building’s garage with space for 34 cars and 89 bikes:
The development of 2198 Market Street, a site which was up-zoned for development as part of the Market-Octavia Neighborhood Plan, could be approved by the Planning Commission next week.
Very glad to see these underutilized/empty lots in the mid/upper Market area finally be developed.
As for retail…please, not another bank.
Infill! All good.
Not terrible, looks like a budget version of 38 Dolores. Those townhomes couldn’t be blander though. The complete lack of any detailing is a bummer.
I REALLY REALLY hope they do not have a solid corner at the front point! Your whole ROOM will point to that moment- I can’t imagine the VIEW that solid wall would block. Please make it glass!
@seriously: or, round the corners, all glass. The sad part is that the Sanchez side overlooks the drab and dreary Chase parking lot.
Is it my imagination or is there a tree in front of the garage entrance in the bottom pic?
Is 2170 Market (Cafe Du Nord and the Swedish American Hall) part of the development? From the renderings it looks like they tie that building in.
Better than what’s there now = progress.
Better than nothing is a really low bar to pass.bland .mediocrity like the whatever exit outside any sunbelt city.
The renderings are rather bland but not offensive. However the buildings look enormous compared to the actual size of the lot! Crazy how all 4 corners of this intersection will have new condo developments. The Walgreens on Market (that’s usually empty) must be thrilled.
34 cars, 89 bikes for 87 units
get real! there will never be a need for 89 bike slots
BIke parking is not about need, it’s about statement.
Obviously the developer thinks having ample bike parking is a selling point. Industrial stoves are not about need, either.
Bland mediocracy. Looks like a project on the whatever exit of a typical sunbelt city. Better than nothing is a low hurdle to clear, it’s not enough.
@Dan: bike parking is about selling, but it is about selling to the Planning Department and activists, not about selling units.
Yes, there may be a bit of greenwashing here, but I’m also sure many occupants of this building will appreciate a place to keep their bikes. The building is at the intersection of two of the busiest bike routes in the city– Market Street and the Wiggle.
The Planning Code requires one bike stall per unit plus a few for the retail, so this is what is required.
Why would anyone complain about additional bike parking? Are you trying to make a statement to? That’s like saying there are too many trees on the sidewalk. In any case, many people have two bikes in the city–an expensive one for serious riding and a cheaper one for commuting.
most people (that I know) have at least one bike. Even if they only ride it on occasion, they still need to store it somewhere. Some people have two bikes. And many units will have more than one person in it. So, you can do the math on that….. I suspect that those bike spots will all be filled quickly…..
But, but…the bike parking takes up space that could be devoted to two tons of plastic and steel! We can’t ALLOW that.
That’s just silly mocking bike spots. Bikes are a big pain to carry up to an apartment in a big building. 34 car spots for 87 units (only 39%) is a problem. You need a car in this city unless your time is way less valuable than the average guy’s – maybe that is the market for places with no parking, but such residents tend not to have that much money.
I have no bike parking in my building. I wish there were. If/when I sell my condo I think it’s going to be an important consideration for many potential buyers.
Regardless of the demand for bike parking, or lack thereof, it’s still something which takes up a tiny fraction of the space of car parking. If you eliminated every last bike parking spot, you’d make room for what– two? three? additional car parking spaces. And even then it’s likely that the bike parking area will be in a place unsuitable for car parking anyway.
As far as a lack of car parking is concerned, paying for parking is very expensive on a square footage basis– considering that the amount of space needed for a parking space approaches (or surpasses) the space devoted to a small studio apartment. People are willing to pay for parking, but not that much. You can use Zipcar a heck of a lot before that becomes worthwhile.
Another bland condo and at least one storey too tall. In particular, the excess height is what turns what could be a welcome in-fill development into something that will be a detriment to the neighborhood. (And in 10 years time will be one step removed from being a doss house.)
Passed Commission Unanimously 4/25. Lots of neighborhood support, no opposition.
UPDATE: Market And Sanchez Street Development Approved To Rise.