You knew it was coming. You knew the numbers. And you even knew what was there before. Now you get to peek inside.
UPDATE: And Miu-Miu offers a having actually seen it critique.
∙ Listing: 1391 Clayton (4/4.5) – $2,795,000 [MLS]
∙ Then And Now And Coming Soon: 1391 Clayton Street By The Numbers [SocketSite]

$1.9M, otherwise buy Greenwich.
This place is HOT! Now where do I get $2.8 Million!
1) Loved the upper level layout.
2) Excellent interior work.
3) I personally don’t mind steep stairs but it can be a drag for some.
1) who needs 4 car garage for 4 BR house?! overkill!
2) The elevator doesn’t go all way to the upper level, that’s where the kitchen is. where else will you need to use the elevator to carry staff?
3) supposedly a bedroom on a lower level is more of a study room, very tiny and there is no other room in the house for that purpose. Of course you can use it as a bedroom for your busy 4-car garage valet.
4) it’s on a busy street and on a wrong side of it. most of the view is houses on the eastern side and traffic.
5) It’s HOT in the wine cellar. what were they thinking?
ohh, forgot to add, considering above functionality flaws wouldn’t spare more than $2.0M.
Miu-Miu, I have a classic car fetish. If I could afford this property, then I could certainly afford multiple big, shiny, noisy pieces of automotive history and would absolutely love this space.
The hot wine room, though; that’s just a shame. Sure, you could address that with climate control, but ugh!? Wine cellars in homes carved out of a hill should need no assistance from modern tech.
A stone’s throw away from a recent 1.4M sale:
I preferred villa Terrace location-wise (quiet street, just one street higher up the hill).
I passed by the Clayton place a few times when it was being built. Pretty impressive to see the place being built in this location.
Agreed with Miu Miu. There’s a bit of traffic on that stretch for people who are straight-shooting from upper Market/upper Castro/upper Noe/the Sunset (yes, all that) directly into the heart of the Haight. It can be busy at commute time or even during WEs.
That house is strange on many levels. And I mean that both figuratively and literally.
That non grain matched festival of plain sawn cabinetry is …. unfortunately rather seizure inducing….
Nobody in their right mind is going to pay almost $3M for a property on such a busy street. And what about the lack of closet space in the master. I guess they are assuming whoever buy that will have about no more than a dozen shirts and pants; and ladies forget about hanging your dresses anywhere in the bedrooms.
i think its a limed oak finish (cerisee, en francais) and will mellow over time. i’m hoping it looks better in person.
I went to the open house this weekend. 2.78 million? Are you kidding?
After two months on the market, the listing for 1391 Clayton has been withdrawn without a sale.
And back on the MLS! $100,000 less.