The kitchen of 2140 Bush Street #3 before (above) and the kitchen after (below).
The living room before (above) and the living room after (below).
The price before (March 2007): $920,000. And the asking price after: $1,195,000.
∙ Listing: 2140 Bush Street #3 (2/2) 1,677 sqft – $1,195,000 [] [MLS]

The kitchen makeover is great; the living/dining room is awful. I liked the before on that room. Too much fru fru now.
1.2M to live in something that looks like a converted parking garage on a busy street without any windows in either of the “bedrooms” They should have a garage sale with all the clutter they added on to the staging. Agree that the living room looked much better before the staging.
It sold in ’07 at $920k and now they’re trying to get 1.2k?
Get with the program Gigi, you’re supposed to be so wowed by the staging that you don’t mind paying higher than the top of the bubble.
Note the “after” living room shot : the image frame is dominated by staged furniture. The property up for sale is in the background, consuming only about 30% of the image.
Other photos on this listing portray even less of the property and more of the stager’s creativity. Example : photo #15/34, how is this supposed to help me understand the property ?
30% off peak is 650K
[Editor’s Note: 30 percent off the pre-renovated price would in fact be $644,000 (and a rather irrelevant number).]
Okay, the staging in this house SUCKS. I agree with most, the before furniture was far better. This place is so full of clutter, that once someone buys the place, adds their own stuff – they are going to have to call out those hoarder people.
And speaking about calling out, should haz-mat be called? What is with the BIO HAZARD containers in the pantry?!?
No way is this staged… My guess is that it’s probably the owner/designer’s furniture… It would be too difficult and expensive to toile up this place with a bunch of rented pieces unless he has his own shop. Besides, no stager has this kind of stuff in stock. I can’t even guess what something like this would sell for. Interesting place and close to Fillmore, but it’s still on Bush. Since it’s not apples to apples, the usual 25% off 07 sale price doesn’t apply… I say it sells for 920k…
Just curious, anyone have an estimate of what the kitchen renovation alone would have cost?
stuffing more, newer crap into a place doesn’t make it better
Yeah, they’re in bubble dreamland. They should consider themselves lucky to get the 2007 price + commission. Some very positive points though: low HOA fees with parking. Very attractive location. Pretty slick place.
I would guess it goes for around mid 800 after a couple of price reductions. The kitchen and the bathrooms are rather nice and the overall location is good (but not the busy street). There are not that many lofts in the (lower) Pacific Heights.
but again, the place looks like a parking garage from the outside (and the inside as well).
“Just curious, anyone have an estimate of what the kitchen renovation alone would have cost?”
High-end and moved gas/water: $100-125K
I actually like the layout of the kitchen, fugly as it was, better in the before picture.
30% off peak is 650K
[Editor’s Note: 30 percent off the pre-renovated price would in fact be $644,000 (and a rather irrelevant number).]
laughing at the “rather irrelevant number” part — the kitchen renovation is fine but the DR/LR fiasco destroys value.
[Editor’s Note: We’ll completely disagree. Look past the furnishings to the reconditioned concrete, new built-ins and lighting, and the wall that’s been removed to incorporate the kitchen. And then look past the great room to the new baths behind.]
$1.1M and it goes pending in under 30 days.
>$700 psf? 3 blocks north and I’d say okay.
Love the lit candles in the foreground!
I love how the office looks slightly larger in photo #21 vs. #20.
As Michael implies, moving the location of sinks, dishwashers, stoves, and even fridges in a kitchen remodel can really drive up the costs. Most kitchen designers are aware of this and will try to work within the existing constraints to keep costs down. But beware of asking whether the sink can be moved “over there” as designer of course can do this for you though they won’t be the one paying the costs. Moving waste (drain) lines are particularly difficult and in the words of one of my foreign born friends sometimes “unpossible”. So if rearranging the kitchen’s layout significantly improves the place, do it. Moving the sink location around isn’t something that you want to do on a whim though.
At the other end of kitchen remod costs, mine was a mid-range remod of a normal sized kitchen (custom cabinets, new floor, mid-range appliances) that moved no fresh water or waste plumbing but did add a new gas line (as well as vent), add a ton of new electrical, added skylight. Cost would have been about $38K had I not done some of the work myself. That was the mid 90s though and before banks were throwing bags full of cash towards homeowners so apply your own estimate of inflated construction costs.
wow, I disagree with the general consensus here
I really like this place except for the fact that it is a loft (because I’m not a loft person)
I wish they would have put a lip on the counter where the barstools are as well.. that was a fairly big oversight IMO.
but a LOT of work went into this property. hard to estimate cost because so much of the cost is cabinets, and you can spend a fortune or be moderate on cabinets
that kitchen looks like $75k minimum to me, and probably closer to 100k+ (again depends on cabinets).
no to mention new baths…
and all the redone concrete…
and tearing down walls.
I have no idea what the price of this “should be”, and I’m sure that the seller will not get their purchase price plus realtor fees plus reno costs… but they will get some percentage of those reno costs back.
I almost never make predictions, but even I think this will go for more than it’s 2007 purchase price.
FWIW: I like the renovations that they did in general. the staging isn’t all for me, but it is interesting… although not all my style, they’ve put some fun into the place IMO… especially their use of hanging windows and mirrors that give the impression of windows…
as for stagers not having this stuff on hand, I’ll tell you that good stagers have almost everything on hand as well as a budget for a few key purchases to make the place shine.
who knows if this was staged or is the person’s home… but it clearly COULD have been staged.
Way overpriced for an ugly unit in an ugly building in Western Addition on the Bush freeway. They really didn’t do enough work here to justify the increase in price. Are those even legal bedrooms? All that furniture is trying to hide a crappy condo.
This is a real loft and a cool space. I think it sells near asking. I’d like to hear the traffic noise to see if it was a problem but they just repaved bush and this is actually a pretty great location. This place / location is way more desirable than some of the real lofts over on harrison in shaddy nabes. It would be nice if it had more parking.
“moved gas/water” — I don’t think they actually moved water, even though they may have moved gas slightly. Isn’t that a washing machine/dryer next to the fridge in the “before”?
Look at the dining room picture. Hold your left hand in front of the picture so that the fingers block the chandelier and the thumb blocks the candlesticks.
Much better, no?
For what it’s worth, the permits total $100,500, which we all know is usually on the very low side.
I’m a fan of this place. Except for no window in the master “bedroom.” Looks like there used to be a bedroom/room where part of the kitchen is now???
I love it, and I’m not usually a fan of lofts. Admittedly the facade of the building is hideous. Nice job on the kitchen. I wish the bedroom and bathroom had natural light.
When are realtors going to learn how to use spell check? For god’s sake there’s a typo on the home page of the website.
I’ve always been intrigued by this building.
In this case, I’m tempted to say that I liked the “before” photos better than the “after”. Nothing fancy, just functional. The “after” is just wrong.
I guess the after are highly personal, to appeal to a specific owner. I’m sure that the owner liked it, but it seems out of place in a conversion building. I guess this is one of those things that will limit the buying pool. On the other hand, if it’s someone’s thing, they will buy it and enjoy it as well.
What other units look(ed) like:
Pretty varied.
[Editor’s Note: And don’t forget: Don’t Confuse The Market’s “Appreciation” With Ours: 2140 Bush #5.]
tipster with the most positive comment of the bunch…. me and fluj can now retire.
and for once i agree with him, at least in general. “if” the seller is willing to go below asking it will sell quickly. maybe 1.15m or so
and while i agree this “could” be staging, there’s no way. stagers don’t go this far. you can see an owner’s personal taste all over this place, from the remodel, to the furniture, to the pantry. and those carousel looking horse statues…. definitely not a stagers
I looks like one of the owners run a design and architect firm so this might not be staging after all?
Kinda a cave really.
I’ve said this here before, but this could be a subterranean construction easily enough. Who cares about the windows facing Bush? You could fake that with $20,000 worth of trees and artificial lighting. 🙂
“Kinda a cave really.”
The bedroom, maybe.. but the rest of the apartment has giant windows. Not sure how that qualifies as a cave.
I can rest easy now; the typo was fixed.
WOW! Pretty much everyone tore this home apart. I guess I am little shocked by all the negative feedback regarding the “fru fru” and the “staging” etc. Bottom line, this home is in a great location and has great bones and definitely caters to a specific demographic with a high-end taste for modern/urban living. And Steve, really? Bio Hazard containers? You should have your eyes checked; you sound so ignorant and I don’t think anyone read that and found it to be the least bit amusing. I guess my point is that every custom home is not built for everyone, so save your negativity and just try to appreciate the fact that someone poured their heart and money into this home.
The sale of 2140 Bush Street #3 closed escrow on 12/21/10 with a reported contract price of $1,195,000 (asking).
Tipster, for the win. Yes.
Actually, it went for 95k over your $1.1 prediction. I think I’m the only one that said it goes for asking. 🙂
“Tipster, for the win. Yes”
You can’t even be honest there in that sort of instance? So weird.