
Goldman Architects is quietly working on plans to demolish the single-story Arroyo Carlos & Sons auto repair shop at 980 Folsom Street and build a seven-story, mixed-use building in its place.

As drafted, the new building would consist of 34 residential units over ground floor commercial space and a garage entrance fronting Folsom Street. At the rear of the lot, the Clementina Street frontage would only rise four stories with residential units over the ground floor garage.

The draft design for the garage includes 21 stacked parking spaces, but as new buildings in the Mixed-Use District are limited to one off-street parking space for every four dwelling units, an exception would need to be granted for more than nine (9) parking spaces to be built based on the number of dwelling units proposed.

6 thoughts on “Plans For Seven Stories Of Infill Along Folsom Near Sixth”
  1. Easy: don’t grant the parking exemption. Save the developer some money and avoid the scary blank wall of parking on Clementina.

  2. Amazing. This is the kind of height and change that will completely change Folsom for the better. Many more of these please.

  3. There is no blank wall on Clementina as the frontage there is actually quite narrow. Are you OK granting the exemption now?

  4. Nothing wrong with having some parking included. It keeps new residents from adding to the parking shuffle. The Clementina frontage is literally nothing more than a garage door already, so It seems fine to me.

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