Having been endorsed by San Francisco’s Recreation and Park Commission, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors is scheduled to vote on an eight year extension for the Outside Lands Music Festival held in Golden Gate park. The proposed amendment would also increase the permitted capacity of the festival from 65,000 to 75,000 people.
The eight year extension comes at a cost, increasing the festival’s rent paid to the City by $50,000 a year, to be capped at $1.4 million in 2018. The share of each ticket sold that the City receives will also increase from $1 to $1.25. Rock on.
$1.25 ??? Per Ticket? Sure sounds like a rip off to me. The only sound part of the entire deal is I’ve read that the City must use All the OL proceeds to care for GG Park. So unlike the dozens of events that SF does at Ocean Beach, where the entire multi-million dollar nut disappears into the murky underbelly of Ed Lee & Friends, hopefully the puny Parks portion of the giant OLs tix prices isn’t being entirely blown away on higher perks and salaries for Parks & Rec. Adminers.