Purchased for $1,286,000 in early 2007 having been listed for $1,350,000 in late 2006 following a “Dwell-style, Modern” makeover by Andy Rogers Design Studio, the Parkside home at 1967 29th Avenue just sold for $1,800,000 having been marketed at $1,200,000 last month.
Measuring 2,200 square feet, call it $818 per square foot for the four-bedroom, four-bath home with ocean views, a new record for the Parkside neighborhood which has been averaging closer to $600 per square foot (for markedly less modern homes) since the beginning of the year.

They forgot to tear out the wall between the kitchen and the living room.
I wonder what the lot size is here? Judging by the photo of the front, is it smaller than the average Noe Valley lot?
Also, what happened to that proposal by one of the Supervisors to end the cementing over of the front of the lots so people can park their cars in the driveways? They made a nice space for the car there.
I am so tired of those “wood” facades. Now they are infecting the Sunset.
Umm, that’s a driveway they paved over. There’s no proposal against paved driveways. The wooden path and rock garden are permeable surfaces and a lot more environment-friendly than a thirsty front lawn.
As for the facade, let’s have more like this, please. Parkside is still mostly a pastel paint hell.
@ noemom:
Perhaps you need to get out more. that’s simply a DRIVEWAY, that is paved for driving ones’ car in and out of the garage. The entry is nice, welcoming and friendly. and it’s allowed by code.
You’re tired of “wood” facades. Ah, ok. MOST houses in SF are clad in wood. MOST. Look at the house to the right.
This is a nice remodel. More of the neighborhood could this kind of help.
I’m with noemom; the clear wood rainscreen is going to look horribly dated in 10 years when, after receiving no maintenance, it will be partly weathered greay, partly varnished brown, and look awful. It will then be ripped out as part of another ‘green’ reno.
Likely as not, the seams of the membrane behind that rainscreen are open, or vertical, and are already leaking water so 10 years from now all the cladding will have to come off anyways to repair the rot.
This won’t be that logistically hard to do though since by then there will be outfits that specialize in redoing these kinds of facades and they will have gotten good at it from all the business.
Still, the overhangs might protect the siding and windows from too much water so they don’t have to rely on perfect flashings. Oops — just noticed — no overhangs.
The lot is roughly 25 x 120.
I find the work here rather uninspiring. It is damning-with-faint-praise “nice.” Does one really need an architect for this? Based on the photos from the mid-2000s listing, I just don’t see the value add.
Fantastic property now 40% ABOVE peak prices. Incredible for homeowners.
I think the next hot neighborhood is parkside and Golden Gate heights. Homes with panoramic views I bet will hit $1,000/sqft soon here.
Sounds like the remodel was in 2006. That means the wood facade and everything has been around for 8 years and have held out alright. They may have been sticklers for revarnishing the wood each year.
If what I think is true, this is an amazing outcome for the sellers, who bought this for 1.3 million at the last peak and didn’t do anything to the house and probably thought they were going to at least escape with the same price they paid. Wow.
I live near the Parkside. This is an amazing price. True, there are very few homes that are remodeled like this, but still…this seems beyond the cost of buying the neighbor’s house and remodeling it yourself. Either this is one-time craziness or my hood is getting too pricey for me.
Re: Joes comments about Parkside / GG Heights as an upcoming “hot” area – I don’t pay attention to Parkside but follow GG heights a bit and have been amazed at recent sales on the west facing slope. You can walk to pretty much zero from that location and as a 15 year resident of the general area can safely say that those lovely western views are often fogged over. Yes the sun shines but, if you work, it’s generally not when you are at home.
So this for $1.8 or $1.9 for the Willis Hudson home at 10 Marcela in Forest Hill (a 3/3 in 2140 sq ft)
I do like the modern interior/exterior of this house and the environment friendly landscape as ‘@formidable’ pointed out. The Ipe wood siding/decking is actually quite durable for SF’s climate and is “naturally fire, insect, moisture, and movement resistant and lasts two to three times longer than other outside lumber, such as cedar, redwood, and pine.”
Another point regarding Ipe wood, it should NEVER be varnished, but rather sealed periodically.
There are a lot of dumb comments at this website. The comments above about the wood façade and the “paving over” of the driveway stand near the top of the list.
It looks like citywide we’re averaging (or at least median-ing) around $850 per sq foot now which is just crazy.
It is in the Sunset not Parkside. Parkside never extended past Quintara street… (and usually Parkside is considered to start at South of Rivera.)
But I am very happy to see the property go for this price … I live 2 blocks down on 29th and have a much nicer view. Guess it makes sense to do the few remaining updates I’ve been holding off on!
I live on 29th Ave between Rivera and Quintara and have walked by this house a million times. Is the price a tad ridiculous? Yes. However, maybe it will be a catalyst for neighbors to upgrade their homes and yards. I certainly take pride in my home (which I rent, BTW).
I love the modern take on it and it’s certainly a looker on that street. (Compare it to the shack across the street with the boat parked in front of it.) Considering there are a lot of ugly makeovers in the Sunset/Parkside, this one is a gem.
And no, this hood will never become like Noe. The demographics are much different.
re noemom stating: Also, what happened to that proposal by one of the Supervisors to end the cementing over of the front of the lots so people can park their cars in the driveways? They made a nice space for the car there.
I think she was referring to houses in general in this area, not this house. There is a lot of paving over and generally poor upkeep in a lot of these homes.
Yes, that is what I was referring to. As I recall the intent of the proposed legislation was to end the practice of people parking ON THE SIDEWALK even if it was their driveway and it was only for the Sunset of which Parkside is a part of, I guess. Many developers tout the driveway as a place to park in all neighborhoods. With regard to this particular property it is hard to discern from the photo what is the driveway and what is the sidewalk.
Additionally, to fine tune my comments. I guess my issue with all these remodels, with the wood facades and the open floor plans, is that they try to create a “modern” home on these small lots, when the architectural features they are trying to mimic really, at least to me, work best on a larger lot where the home can be detached on all four sides, and you can have windows on all four sides. I think these high concept homes are a little peculiar on the typical SF lot. But that is just my opinion.
@ noemom:
1. You are allowed to park on your own driveway within the legal setback. A driveway is legal parking. A front yard where there is no direct curb cut is not.
2. It’s pretty clear from the photo where the driveway starts and the sidewalk edge occurs.
3. I tried to write up a comment re: your comments on the “modern” home. I couldn’t respond because I could not follow your train of thought.