It appears that a notice a default (NOD) has been filed for 3027-3029 25th Street, otherwise know as the 2007 Sunset Idea House (or “La Casa Verde”). The filing notes a loan balance of $2,974,006.35 and that the “Beneficiary hereby elects to conduct a unified foreclosure sale and to include in the foreclosure personal property & fixtures.”
From a plugged-in tipster:
If most of the stuff was donated or at cost, how could [the developer] have ended up with a $3mil mortgage loan? Unless [the developer] put the house up as collateral on other projects….[And the] reference to fixtures and personal property is unusual. I’m guessing the bank doesn’t want all of the vendors who donated products to think they can take them back.
That’s probably a good guess. And say what you will, we’re digging the green(ery).
∙ Sunset’s 2007 San Francisco Idea House: 3027 25th Street [SocketSite]
∙ An Early Peek Inside “La Casa Verde” (a.k.a. The Future Idea House) [SocketSite]
∙ The SocketSite Scoop: Half Of The Sunset Idea House Hits The Market [SocketSite]
∙ Sunset’s 2007 San Francisco Idea House: A Few Facts [SocketSite]
Does this mean that “green” will be offered at bargain basement prices?
That’s a lovely utility pole outside. Is that a Claes Oldenburg?
Location! Location! Location. Whoops.
The greenery is growing in nicely and helps the building greatly, if only by hiding it.
As a way of building “green” is here to stay because it makes buildings more efficient and improves return on investment. Because numerical performance is the key in the US there are likely to be more objective ratings to use to value green built structures. LEED was a great start, but even the people making that happen admit it was only a first step.
Picking on something because it became trendy at some point doesn’t really make sense. Disco was buried forever decades ago, or was it?
Not a surprise that this one is in dire financial straits.
coincidentally, just yesterday there was a story on Sunday Morning about how society learns more from “failures” than successes. I guess in this case, we learned quite a bit from Robins catastrophic flop called Casa Verde.
Location! Location! Location! DOH! DOH! DOH!
I guess green doesn’t sell even in SF. Who knew?
I hope green does sell well in SF, I am doing a green home myself right now – but as others have pointed out, location, location, location. 25th and Alabama was a lot of risk right off the bat before the first wind turbine and coat of low VOC paint went up.
Always sad to see someone try something new and hit the pavement hard though. Hope they rebound.
Stick to the basics, build housing that fits with the neighborhood in terms of price. Over 1 million for tics in the mission is a little bit ambitious regardless of platinum LEED certifications.
Are the necessary CCTV graffiti cameras powered by solar and wind energy too?
I guess solar CCTV against graffiti will work as long as the solar panels are not graffiti-ed themselves…
The wheels can come off any project, and it is easy to point out the flaws after the fact when they are glaringly obvious.
This is one of several projects getting ready to hit the courthouse steps.
$3 million in a crime and graffiti infested area? Not in a million years! $1 million? No way! The Mission has ALWAYS been nothing but trouble for the last 30 years. Neighorhoods DO NOT change overnight. REMEMBER, it’s the people that makes the difference. Putting a so called green house doesn’t make the Mission any different. Gangs, armed robberies, vehicle break-in’s, etc. will continue unabated. Just look at 3rd St. in Hunter’s Point. The 1 billion dollar cost to (that’s billion with a B) build a street car line along 3rd St. is a total waste of taxpayers money. There is so much crime on the street cars that a police officer must ride in each car. Any SocketSite readers patronize Starbucks (is there a Starbucks on 3rd?) or restaurants near 3rd and Evans and all streets going south? I think not! The Mission will always be the Mission.
Hey John – Curious… What part of the mission do you live in? It’s hard to tell from your rambling…
I live in the Richmond district.
Sounds like you live in the Mission.
BTW: It’s not rambling or my opinion, it’s facts. I get the police reports weekly from Hall of Justice, which is where I work.
Any other questions?
So, the tipster back in October was almost correct……the house is being SOLD…..well, in a fashion.
But, here is the question: Even if it sells how can someone live in it w/o final sign off of the work by the City?
If you notice, the permits are still open:
I gander, and correct me if I’m wrong, the new owners will have to finish all the work to get the permits signed off. So, even if it does sell for $3mil, they will have to put another X$$ into it.
As was noted before by Curbed, there is a missing second means of egress; the electrical system is not tied into PGE; the watering system isn’t functioning; the streets are still torn up from the sidewalk fiasco and God only knows what else.
And, what about the new renters in the smaller unit….will they be kicked out on their “yuppie asses”?
Basically, the neighborhood is all the better w/o “I’ll do exactly as I please” Ms. Wilson and her ostentatious $3mil house