The owner of the one-story G&R Paint Company building and business at 1238 Sutter Street appears to be preparing to jump into the development game with plans to raze the existing Polk Gulch building and construct a 9-story, mixed-use building on the site which fronts Sutter and Fern Streets between Polk and Van Ness Avenue:
As proposed, the nine-story building would include up to 40 dwelling units, 6 parking spaces for cars and 35 for bikes, and 2,550 square feet of commercial space fronting Sutter Street.
And while zoned for development up to 130 feet, as are the parcels on either side of the lot, the proposed building at 1238 Sutter Street would only rise 88 feet in height.
Hmmm…is that a 25′ wide lot? Wonder how high you can go on that narrow width? Maybe that’s why only 9 stories?
Oh why couldn’t they raze the two abominations to the right of the proposed site. The building they are going to tear down at least has some design qualities to it.
not a great design, but an excellent and much-needed intensification project in my hood. build it.
Weirdly low ceilings or is this the 70s again?
@Serge – completely agree!
@BobN – very weirdly low, or the floors are going to be paper-thin (and transmit all sorts of noise). Or they’re going to do “loft” style ceilings with all the mechanics exposed… in any case, a 9-story building only 88′ tall is unusual to say the least…
Serge- Side bldgs probably have different owners. How’s that gonna work? Owner probably doesn’t have the scratch to buy them out and merge the lots. Not sure how hard lot merging is anyways in this funky town (I know lot splits are a major pain, having done on myself.) Also demoing now three bldgs, good luck with that too. Remember, this is eess eeff, where nothing practical comes easy.
Which building are they tearing down? the building at the far right in the photo is one I have loved for a long time – building designed to appear as a face, with nose in the center and windows as eyes. The kind of funky/kooky building that San Franciscans would come out of the woodwork to save.
@Mickey – Not the face building, the small one next to it with the “G&R Paint” sign.
This x 100. For the next 10 years.
poor.ass.millionaire: It was more of a philosophical thought. I am aware that the properties adjacent are not owned by the same owner.
I love that paint store. Any intel on if it’s relocating?
I call that building “The Molar.”
This little building is really handsome. Shame to see it being replaced by something thrown together by a 3 year old with a LEGO™ set.
Welcome to the Jungle
Now if we could only get 9 stories in the proposed western SOMA plan.
The 74′-11″ dimension on the side of the drawing tells you what you need to know about why this height and the low ceilings were chosen: at 75′-0″ to the highest occupied floor a building becomes subject to the high rise provisions of the building code. They are trying to squeeze 9 floors into space for 8. Too bad for them they are measuring from the high side of the sloped front street when the code says “from the lowest point of fire dept. vehicle access.”
The proposed development is completely out of scale. In general, wealthy neighborhoods oppose such developments, it is puzzling why people are for this. Turkeys voting for Christmas?
And North Beach is completely out of scale with the nearby financial district. Time to tear up the neighborhood and erect 50 story skyscrapers!
Creative Paint purchased G&R Paint as of 1/1/2014.
Why not preserve the facade like they’ve done in DC? (I’m thinking the Mexican embassy and lot of other great buildings). It keeps the sense of history.