Purchased for $729,000 four months ago, the 610 square foot cottage at 680 Douglass over in Noe Valley sold for $1,195 per square foot!
Okay, so perhaps it wasn’t the cottage that was being valued as much as the lot. And next week, San Francisco’s Zoning Administrator will review a request to raise a three-story over garage single-family home on the front of the RH-2 zoned lot, twenty-two feet from the existing cottage when twenty-five are required by code.
∙ Public Hearing: 680 Douglass Plans And Request For Variance [sf-planning.org]
Nice project. A good use of the space. Also no elevator which doesn’t really matter because this is clearly designed for a family and not retirees. Thankfully the kitchen is on the first floor.
Deck off the living room: sweet.
Master level with skylights: sweet
Master level over the kids bedrooms: good for noise but watch out for your teenage kids, they WILL sneak out on you without you knowing 😉 Then again those Sunday mornings are going to be really nice, with you sleeping upstairs and the kids fixing breakfast…
They’re aligning their roof crest to their northern neighbor. Nimby warning! Someone will probably complain about air, light, view, foliage or something. As usual.