Constructed in 1909 and converted to residences in 1997, 1 Rausch (a.k.a. Toy Factory Lofts) is home to eight (8) loft condominiums with underground parking off of Howard.
At over 2,400 square feet and designed by James Magni, Loft H is the largest of the eight and features 25 foot ceilings with exposed wood rafters which quickly caught our eye.
Not yet listed, but as a tipster notes it should be coming soon and asking $1,695,000. Beware the website background beats.
∙ Listing: 1 Rausch (2/2) 2,400+ sqft – $1,695,000 []
I’ll be the first to say it – f’n sweet.
Here we go again, amazing loft space but toilet war zone location. (7th and howardish)
Can we just have a section devoted just to this?
hey, at least this place is interesting.
would I live here? never.
would I ever live in an echoey loft (since I’m not single)? never.
but do I appreciate this space? heck yeah.
very cool space, and a true loft. brings shame to all the other fake lofts you see around. it’s not quite as nice as the loft from the other week, but this place is amazing.
my only complaint is that kitchen, but nothing is perfect.
I’d love to be invited to a party there!
BTW: I love how you can see the very conspicuous SOMAGrand advertisement from the roof deck
Agree, extremely cool place, and well-done. And again, industrial space in a “toilet war zone” for a Pac Heights price? Can’t believe anyone would pay half the asking price for anything in this location.
I lived in the next alley over from this place for 4 years. They are nice looking.
As for the neighborhood being a “toilet war zone”, it was a toilet but I wouldn’t call it a “war zone”. Yes you need to pay attention and not be an idiot (like leaving items in your car when parked on the street but that is true of almost all SF neighborhoods) but there are not armed gangs roaming the streets here.
My biggest issue with this location is all the exhaust from 80 and the cars using these streets to get to 80. Everything was constantly getting covered in a fine layer of black dust.
I would live here… think it’d be good with 3 kids?
Rillion: that’s not actually “dust.” Its actually very fine carbon black particulate emissions, mostly from diesel engines. Prolonged exposure has been shown to be carcinogenic, along with an elevated incidence of asthma and other more benign respiratory complications. The ultrafine (sub-1 micron) particles become lodged deep in the lungs and are a long-term irritant.
One more reason not to live next to a freeway or an airport … or a diesel train system (ahem, Caltrain?), and ESPECIALLY not the port of Oakland.
New emissions controls currently being implemented for diesel vehicles will go a long way to curbing this problem, however.
“toilet war zone”?
As a resident of the area, please don’t take this the wrong way, but go to hell.
Alice: I wouldn’t raise kids in that neighborhood because of the “very fine carbon black particulate emissions” (or dust for us lazy typers).
Jimmy: I know, just easier to call it dust, particularly for those us that are spelling challenged.
It is always the same narrow minded Marina types calling my hood a toilet. Keep your opinions to yourself or we will start trashing Pac Heights or Marina.
Mr Toilet War Zone actually lives in Jackson Square he says.
I would rather live at 7th and Howard then that place…..
I third or fourth that. Pretty bloody tired of the same handful of pompous Socketsite posters referring to any neighborhood where au pairs are not sighted pushing $3,000 prams as a ‘toilet war zone’.
[Editor’s Note: We don’t agree with the neighborhood characterization either, but different strokes for different folks (or sticks and stones if you prefer). And look at it this way, it’s those perceptions that keep “those people” out. Now back to the Toy Factory lofts…]
Absolutely Irwin, and that’s why we’re different I guess 🙂
All properties I believe have their unique positive and negatives, and to me that area is a negative.
I just finding striking that so many of these stunning lofts are in areas that keep “those people” out of.
Like I said, I’m a big walker more than anything, and I think this property is absolutely stunning.
another thing: if you would take an average American to that area to walk around for 2 hours, do you think you’d get a good reception from them?
I don’t think that’s “Marina condescesion” with all due respect.
This area of SOMA is actually one of the better up-and-coming neighborhoods in SF. Since I’ve lived in the area over the past few years, we seen an influx of new upscale bars and restaurants like Bossa Nova and Bloodhound, all right at this spot. And the Harvest Urban organic market is right there at Howard and 8th.
Sure, it’s not Noe Valley, but if you want a loft like this, with huge sweeping ceilings and original warehouse charm, this is where you’ll find it – especially something as dramatic as this one looks.
And no, it’s not a war zone. I used to live at 60 Rausch and it’s one of the quieter, tree lined streets around. And nowhere near the freeway, by the way.
Also, i see no need for these ad hominem attacks; there are plenty of problems with where I live and they should also not be discounted in anyway.
The structural wood is a real stand out. That is a big part of what makes a genuine rehabilitated loft so interesting and desirable.
The industrial scale is another part of that. One potential downside of spaces this big is that they tend to develop their own small weather systems with internal breezes and condensation patterns that may even form small clouds under some circumstances such as the underheating that was described for another recent remarkable loft offering. Insulation can make a big difference, but it might be worth arranging a visit on a cold morning to see what happens during peak temperature shift.
As far as kids go, that might work with a small number, but the design appears to favor an occupant who has a partner that may or may not be around all the time. Just as some units are designed for families and the ways they live, other units are designed for polygamist artists who entertain. The SF housing market has to serve a wide range of lifestyles and aesthetic sensibilities.
“It is always the same narrow minded Marina types calling my hood a toilet. Keep your opinions to yourself or we will start trashing Pac Heights or Marina.”
Well, Jim, my question is why is it that narrow-minded faux hipsters that live in faux “dangerous” areas always have to call out my neighborhood? Every neighborhood has it’s good and bad points- but you wouldn’t know that if you just make assumptions about how things are over the hill and never actually venture over. Unless someone writes something negative about your neighborhood and specifically signs it “Narrow-minded Marina type” how about you keep your assumptions about where they live and what “type” they are to yourself, Jim?
People reacting poorly to the neighborhood is the whole point. Other areas are vulnerable to invasion by reactionary stroller people who have been reclaiming various gentrified areas including the Castro. Hugging a same sex partner or letting it all hang out the rear of some leather chaps, especially at night, is likely not even going to be noticed here. I know many gay people abandoning the Castro or other areas of the City for South of Market because they want to be themselves without being scolded and that is becoming extremely precious. That is at least one factor that contributes to the peculiar Pacific Heights pricing one sees around here. This area is in fact extremely desirable for people who feel at ease there in a way that is not possible for them in the Marina or Pacific Heights.
Toilet War Zone ? Is that anything like the the German wedding tradition of Polterabend where the festivities include smashing up porcelain items ? Bringing a toilet or other large bathroom items to smash is considered over the top.
I’d love to live in a neighborhood where German style weddings were common !
another thing: if you would take an average American to that area to walk around for 2 hours, do you think you’d get a good reception from them?
I don’t think that’s “Marina condescesion” with all due respect.
Well gee, let’s all tune our sensibilities to those of the “average American.”
“another thing: if you would take an average American to that area to walk around for 2 hours, do you think you’d get a good reception from them?
I don’t think that’s “Marina condescesion” with all due respect. ”
To be perfectly honest, and as condescending as this sounds, there’s nothing I seek LESS than getting a good reception from an “average American.” I’m no US-basher, honestly. But go hang out in a TGI Friday’s in Reno and you’re going to see the best approximation of an average American available. It’s fine for them. It’s absolutely not for me.
As the (happy) owner of a true conversion loft with the high-ceiling and brick and timber trimmings, I’m happy in SOMA. I lived for 10+ years in the Marina. I like the Marina. I often go to the Marina. But I happen to like SOMA more. And I go to the Mission more than the Marina. Personal choice. I tend to find “Mission hipsters” and “Marina girls” equally predictable and hilarious. Where there’s smoke…
As for why more (any) of these striking spaces aren’t at the corner of Chestnut and Steiner… do you REALLY need to ask? Really? It seems that industrial conversions are kinda limited to (former) industrial areas.
HUGE props for the no-load time on the website pics. I really can’t stand the flash sites and their spinning space-invaders-esque shooting ball or waiting for pics to load.
Well done. Great space. Sh*t location.
“Sh*t location.”
This from a person whose screen name calls out the zip code for the Marina.
In response to lolcat_94123’s “sh*t location”, Dude’s classic comments from a few weeks ago are worthy of a ‘reprint’ –
“Many other Soma defenders on here, so no sense in repeating what they’ve already said. So instead, I’ll engage in some embellished counter-propaganda of my own to goad the “north of California” crowd:
OMG, who could ever live in any neighborhood outside of Soma? I mean seriously, the best restaurants in the city are clearly in this neighborhood, many of which are consistently on the Chronicle’s Top 100 list. Lots of cheaper budget places as well. How horrible would it be to live in Cow Hollow, where you can only eat crappy tex-mex at Lefty’s, then go play “beirut” at Bar None with Johnny Frathouse and Suzy Marina. Bleh. College was a great 5 years. But it’s over – let it go.
I have a 15 minute walk to work instead of having to stand on some raggedy old bus for 30 minutes. Can you imagine commuting like that every day, especially in the winter, when everyone is sick and coughing/hacking on you the whole bus ride? Disgusting.
And the entertainment – aside from plenty of restaurants and bars, Soma has night clubs, pool halls, theaters, museums, ballpark, etc. Plenty to do. Who would want to live in the Marina, where all you can do is go watch pasty yuppies drinking latte while petting their golden retrievers? BOOO-RING.
Shopping? We’ve got a large Safeway and Whole Foods. The new Westfield mall is technically in Soma, and Union Square is an easy walk. A walk with no hills. Can you imagine humping it up those hills in Pac Heights carrying groceries? And where can you even walk to from the Marina or Pac Heights? Nowhere, that’s where. If you’re tired of playing beirut or staring at those pasty yuppies, time to get back on that germ bus!
And can you imagine paying all that money to live in some creaky old wooden box? Who would want to live in those ancient neighborhoods? Terrible insulation, cold in winter, hot in summer, noisy, bad layouts, etc. For less money, I get to live in a BRAND NEW condo, with concrete floors and walls, pilings to bedrock, modern finishes, full amenities, and expansive city views. How depressing it would be to stare out onto an old prison all day…
But have fun burning yourself cooking on that old Wedgewood stove, and stumbling in/out of your clawfoot tub. But keep it down! The neighbors can’t sleep because they heard you farting through the floor!”
Posted by: Dude at February 25, 2009 11:02 AM
“I have a 15 minute walk to work instead of having to stand on some raggedy old bus for 30 minutes. Can you imagine commuting like that every day, especially in the winter, when everyone is sick and coughing/hacking on you the whole bus ride? Disgusting.”
…so, this “Dude” still has to work? Huh…and if that isn’t bad enough he has to go out of the house to go to work? Weird. Well to each his own- including living in your beloved SOMA…and walking to…work. Congrats.
That Dude guy is hilarious!
Good stuff Dude. Missed the original post – glad that huh? reposted it.
i just wish they’re wasn’t homeless people everywhere over there…it’s like a rocky horror picture show
sweet place. horrible location.
i can’t believe people are actually arguing over the location.
“if you would take an average American to that area”
Wow, is that the new barometer for neighborhood goodness in SF? We can’t al live on Pier 39!
Can’t we appreciate the diversity of SF while acknowledging that the area is a really bad location?
This is PCness out of control in my view.
people in this city never fail to teach me that they really are in a bubble.
I’m not sure you can read.
I’m not being PC, which would constitute mincing my words in order to not offend. I LIKE living in SOMA. I am not pretending that it’s not different. I get warm weather, good downtown, freeway and Mission access, and interesting new spots popping up. Referring to the fact that I like SOMA as being “in a bubble” tells me that, in addition to knowing nothing about SOMA, you don’t know what a bubble is.
How’s this to prove I’m not PC: I really do dislike most of the photocopied douchebags in the Marina. I believe our Board of Supervisors should be thrown out for being incompetent Marxists. I believe that 90%+ of the homeless problem should be handled Giulani-style (ship ’em out). I would rather have chronic hemorrhoids than a Victorian home. I believe that LMRIM and fluj should square off on a cage match until one of them is dead, so the comments on SS can be brought under control.
… and I like living in SOMA.
[Editor’s Note: Oh, the irony with respect to getting comments back under control. Now back to the Toy Factory, the neighborhood, or even stereotypes at this point…]
Ok, I can’t read, I don’t know what a bubble is, and there is nothing wrong with SOMA.
I don’t want to live there.
Jessop, why does it have to be one or the other? Why is it so polar between “nothing wrong” and “really bad location”?
Personally having lived in the neighborhood I found it to be a mixed bag, some good and some bad, overall I liked it but not enough to make staying there a priority. It had pluses and minuses. For some people those pluses will outweigh the minuses, for others the minuses outweight the pluses.
Thanks for that comment Rillion, I came back to this thread because I wanted to see what people had to say about that incredible wood wall and was too busy at work the other day. It’s beautiful.
For what it’s worth I get plenty of fine black particulate dust living in the Richmond on California Street. 🙁
@amused – that was simply one of the best posts I’ve ever seen on SocketSite. Good on ya.