Purchased for $633,000 in October of 2005, this Telegraph Hill single-family “cottage” failed to find a buyer when it was listed for $779,000 eighteen months ago. Back on the market in 2008. And now asking $629,000.
No word on whether or not the fair market value of the “magical transformation by renowned, interior designer, Linda Applewhite to resemble the cottages of napa valley bed & breakfast” will need to be backed out of the future sale price in order to establish an “apple.”
We won’t quibble over the value of the furniture (priced “fully furnished”).
Furnishings for a house are like fancy post-factory add-ons sold in a used car sale — they’re only worth something if you find someone willing to pay extra, but most people won’t pay extra.
Propertyshark shows this “jewel” as being only 75% financed, meaning that the owner has a downpayment of about $160k that is trapped, gasping for air. (I hope – for the owner’s sake – that they financed it 100%, and that prop shark is wrong/incomplete.)
At least $40K of that is gone (just to pay selling expense and trasfer tax), plus whatever was spent in the magical transformation.
They should have bought stocks back in September 2005. Right now, even if they just put it all in an S&P index fund, they’d be siting on a $20K gain (including dividends). And if they had the foresight or common sense to diversify a little into foreign stocks and some treasury bond exposure, $30-40K+ would have been easily attainable.
And, of course, you could get out of a $200K portfolio like this for about $40 at most, instead of $40 THOUSAND dollars.
This is not much bigger than the Cubix, is it?
I would rather live in a real cube for 300K that this – have to worry about maintainence
The shack must be in the low 400sfs. That would be pricey at 1500+/sf except for location and uniqueness.
Earthquake shacks are pretty historically significant, therefore you might have problems tearing them down or try and expand them.
The drawing shows the dimensions are 24′ by 18′, which means the cottage has square footage of 432. Oy.
Looks like the same photos as last time on the market. Did no one live there for the past 18 months? If so, I hope they dusted a bit before the open house.
What’s with the tiny photos?
I never saw the point of a murphy bed. Unless it becomes a table or couch when you fold it up into the wall, what is the point? Instead of a bed in the room you have a big empty space in the room where the bed used to be.
there is almost no closet space to speak of, and from the pics, the kitchen looks like the ceiling is low. Since the original earthquake shacks did not have kitchens, makes one wonder about the electrical and plumbing. As for a tiny dollhouse, I think it would be fun.
there is almost no closet space to speak of, and from the pics, the kitchen looks like the ceiling is low. Since the original earthquake shacks did not have kitchens, makes one wonder about the electrical and plumbing. As for a tiny dollhouse, I think it would be fun.