It’s in Bernal, bright, and even offers a few built-ins for under $500 per square foot. The downside: it’s currently only one and one-half baths without parking (at least not that’s not leased – note pet peeve). The potential upside: it’s currently only one and one-half baths without parking…
∙ Listing: 321 Prospect Avenue (3/1.5) – $879,000 [MLS]
∙ A Parking Space (And MLS) Pet Peeve [MLS]

1.5 baths, no parking, not interested
but it does seem like a nice place – too bad the problems are killers
if it had one more bath and at least a one car garage probably would have been priced around a million no?
If this can be had for at or around asking in my opinion it would be a fine deal. Hopefully a garage can be added for relatively little. (The property appears to be set back so I would think that likely.) With a garage this is probably a $1.2M house or more.
Yeah, $900k to live (and park on the street) in Bernal.
Great deal.
To each his own.
Even without parking, it’s a good price for this place. I’ll bet it goes for over asking.
It sold for $675K in 2001. I am surprised the asking is only 30% more today.
i noticed this house today in the MLS and thought that it was under priced. even with 1.5 baths and no parking, it’s priced significantly below comps and what things are selling for in bernal heights today. i would be shocked if this didn’t sell for more than asking.
@flug – do we really need to encourage the Add-A-Garage dialogue again (think 1081 Church)?!?! I don’t have enough free minutes in my workday to devote to all that again!!! :):):)
“downside: it’s currently only one and one-half baths without parking (at least not that’s not leased – note pet peeve). The potential upside: it’s currently only one and one-half baths without parking”
Focus on parking is of ltd value; I happily stopped all consideration of our $350K+ garage in our turn-of-century TIC. Car sharing, bicycles, maintain integrity of structure. Altho the projected $7-8 gallon prices won’t change the must-haveness of parking — don’t buy in. Sorry kids, we’re moving to a car-free city and the value of parking garages is decreasing. Just say no.
there’s parking. right in front of the house. don’t know why (most) everyone is so focused on a garage. Lived in Bernal for years without a garage. Wasn’t a problem.
But the market will value accordingly.
It seems the neighbors all added a garage (take a look on Mapjack), and it should be a fairly easy job.
Its fine to talk about not driving, using a bicycle etc. etc. but let’s face it a garage is nearly always used for more than just a car. In it go those bicycles, the golf clubs and all the rest of the gear for which there is no room in a house. So yes a garage is more than a perk.
I love this house, it is a cool house, the style, the look and feel, just love it.
Garage or not, no biggy.
Whoever next owner is, please just keep the way it looks, save our city.
such a cute home. really well done on the inside. seems so underpriced. my guess too will be over asking.
Yeah, it’ll probably go for over asking, garage-less and 1.5 baths be damned. You’re even less likely to be able to add a garage on this one than the one on Church Street, though. It doesn’t matter how many of your neighbors have a garage… any exterior changes in Bernal Heights are subject to to neighborhood review, not just SF planning.
Even with neighborhood review, many nearby houses have added garages.
The grand irony of garages is that in urban areas where interior space is a premium and living without a car is easier, garages are used to park cars.
In suburban areas where space is cheap and its harder to get around without a car, garages are used for storage and cars are parked in the driveway or on the street. The standard tract home has parking easily for 6 cars. Its common to see houses that can easily accomodate 10+ cars.
Go to Mapjack and take a look at how the neighbors added garages.
The change is very minor. Essentially, the lower section of the stairs is made a little bit steeper. That’s enough to make room for the garage.
This is an exterior change which nobody will object to.
Great price for a nice place. Does anyone think this will not go quickly for at or above asking?
You guys are funny.
Adding a garage will be a lot of money; judging by the pic, at least 20K, probably much more. Plus the stress and planning involved.
But in the end, it’ll be worth it.
Of course at least 20K…but well worth it.
A 3/2 with 1 car garage sold recently nearby on Coleridge for over $1.3 million. This house will sell for well over asking.
garage 20K..ha! Try 100K
Yeah, there’s an Add A Garage bid for 138K already. I bet there’s somebody who would do it for half that.
Yeah, there’s an Add A Garage bid for 138K already. I bet there’s somebody who would do it for half that”…
but not if they use an architect!
I saw that house on Coleridge for 1.3mill
it was gorgeous, on so many different levels.
this house is nice, but not in the same class. sorry.
That house on Coleridge was really nice (someone told me it went for $1.35 or $1.36 in an all cash deal?). I live two blocks away and parking is actually decent (shhh …).
straight into contract on the scheduled day
321 Prospect closed escrow on 8/13/08 with a reported contract price of $1,100,000 ($635 per square foot).