They’re five (5) new North Beach condominiums at 84 Vandewater (between Bay and Francisco), each with one car parking and storage. And no, they’re not listed on the MLS.
∙ 84 Vandewater #201 (2/2.5) 1,109 sqft – $925,000
∙ 84 Vandewater #202 (2/2) 986 sqft – $945,000
∙ 84 Vandewater #301 (2/2.5) 1,039 sqft – $1,049,000
∙ 84 Vandewater #302 (2/2) 1,009 sqft – $975,000
∙ 84 Vandewater #401 (3/2.5) 1,253 sqft – $1,249,000
Floor plans and photos are available online. And we’ll leave it at that.
∙ 84 Vandewater [] [Floor Plans] [Photos]
∙ SocketSite’s San Francisco Listed Housing Inventory Update: 1/21/08 [SocketSite]

That fireplace is fugly
I’ve looked at this place. The floor plans are awkward, particularly the three bedroom unit where one of the bedrooms is hidden behind the kitchen. And I wasn’t too impressed by the homeless living on Vandewater or the fact that immediately behind the building on Bay there’s at least one bar/nightclub.
Gorgeous kitchens!
I’m looking to purchase a home around North Beach area, as a first time buyer. How much do you think I can negotiate the price down for a condo like this?
I always wonder why this area is referred to as North Beach. Feels a lot more like the Wharf to me.
This is the wharf, not north. Beach and these should be priced at about half the current list price. I predict none of these to sell within 15 percent of the asking price
I haven’t seen the building yet — but why such immediate pessimism about the building? The other project on Vandewater which opened in early 2007 sold very quickly. New development in North Beach, (or Wharf… whatever you want to call it) is rare, yet unlike South Beach it’s a developed, very popular area of the city, with restaurants, grocery stores, shopping, etc., etc.. Vandewater has seemed a pleasant little street whenever I’ve been there.
Damion observes, “The other project on Vandewater which opened in early 2007 sold very quickly.”
Ummm, but that was, uhhh, a year ago.
A year ago, fogging a mirror qualified a borrower for the exotic mortgage of his or her choice.
A year ago, garbage jumbo loans were still being packaged up, sliced & diced, stamped “AAA” and then dumped by Wall Street on investors more interested in reaching for yield than conducting due diligence.
A year ago, year-over-year residential property returns remained positive & abundant throughout the land.
A year ago, “Flip This House” was still considered shrewd TV.
A year ago in Creditwonderland has become a lifetime ago.
“Only” $1,000/squarefoot?
G’luck with that,
I live a couple blocks from these places, so here’s a few comments:
Technically, south of Bay St is North Beach, so these just qualify.
Although Vandewater is a nice street itself, this is 2nd from the end and thus just across from the North Beach Place projects (& Trader Joes!)
$1000/sqft is pretty insane for north beach. Comp condos have been selling for a high of ~$800/sq ft recently and I don’t think these places are that much more “luxury” (Check out 2 townhouses @ 411 Francisco in the Malt House for some comps that have been on the market for 90-100 days).
No elevator in the buildin, take one tick off of “luxury condo”.
I like the fact that 2 of the local businesses featured on their website are closed or closing (Tower records has been gone for over a year and the Washington Square Bar & Grill is closing!)
A friend who lives a block away has dubbed the neighborhood “Northerners Barf.”