Potrero Hill Power Plant:Aerial (Image Source: local.live.com)

From the Chronicle with respect to Mirant’s potrero hill power plant between 22nd and 23rd Streets off of Third:

San Francisco’s dirty power plant on the eastern waterfront would shut down by end of next year, under a legal agreement announced today between Mirant Corp. and City Attorney Dennis Herrera.

The California Independent System Operator (ISO) which manages the state’s power grid “has long maintained that San Francisco must have some power generation within city limits” and would need to agree to the closure.

The city, meanwhile, has argued that a major transmission line from the East Bay will ensure a reliable energy supply when it is completed in March or April.

Filthy SF power plant to close [SFGate]
JustQuotes: Potrero Hill Power Plant Plan Paused (For A Week) [SocketSite]

3 thoughts on “Not A Done Deal But Closer To Closing Mirant’s Power Plant In Potrero”
  1. My living room open up to the view of the smokestack. If it is closed it can only benefits me. But I don’t think the opponent’s strong word against it can be justified. Is it such a filthy power plant causing myriad of environmental problems? Some people talk like this is a soot laden apocalyptic world. As far as I can tell the the air I breath is pretty good. And the view to the bay is just fantastic. It seems those who paid million plus for a landing pad here would beg to differ also.
    All power plant pollutes. The Mirant plan is gas fired, making it on the cleaner side. Those who bad mouth it has not seen the really bad power plant in other places.

  2. Natural gas is relatively clean from an air pollution standpoint, but the article also cites thermal pollution and leaching of toxins.

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